Finding Out He Has To Go On Tour

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A/N: At this point you are about 5 months along!


Your POV:

You and Niall had invited the other guys and their wives over for dinner and after you finished eating you were all sitting in the living room chatting.

"This is so weird all of us getting together again, how long has it been since we all were together?" Eleanor said as she took another sip of her coffee.

"It must be at least 8 months. If we could just keep our guys home for more than a few months than we could get together more often"Perrie said with a laugh.

"It really has been nice having Liam home, I just can't believe they have to go again in a few weeks." Liam's wife said and you felt confused. 

"What are you talking about, a few weeks. The tour finished months ago" You said as an angry look came over your face. 

"They are doing a few shows along the West Coast for a promotional tour at the end of the month. Niall did tell you right?" Perrie said as she looked Niall straight in the eyes. "You did tell her Niall?" Perries smile melted as did yours. 

"Niall?" You turned to him and your eyes felt wet.

"Come here princess..." He said as he picked up your hand and led you into the den. 

"I'm really sorry I didn't tell you but I was just looking for the right time" He said as he sat you down in the armchair in your den and he knelt down in front of you. "We have to go do a few shows on in California and Las Vegas for a promotion. I didn't want to leave you but I management was pretty adamant I didn't have a choice. If you don't want me to go thought I will call them right now and tell them I can't, that I need to be here for you and Regan." He said as his eyes met yours. 

"Niall..." You wiped the tear that had fallen onto your cheek. "Of course I want you here with me and Regan but I understand. This is everything you have ever worked for and I--we..." you placed your hands over your stomach. "We aren't going to take that away from you. We will be here when you get back" You looked back up at him and pressed a kiss to his forehead. 

"I'll miss you both so much, you sure you will be okay with out me" Niall said as he wrapped his arms around you. 

"We will be okay, we can manage" You said as you felt another tear well up in your eyes. 

"I spoke to Denise and Greg and they said they would be more than happy to come over and spend time with you while I'm gone".

"That would be nice but we will still miss you" You said as you leaned your forehead against his. 

"I will miss both of my princesses but I will be home before you know it" He said as he pressed a kiss to your lips and then lowered himself to your stomach and pressed a kiss to it. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now