The Boys Come To Visit The Baby

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Your POV:

"Look who I found in the hallway..." Niall said as he walked into the room holding a cup of coffee followed by Louis and Eleanor. You were sitting in the hospital bed holding Regan while Niall had gone to get coffee. "You up to having visitors princess?"

"Of course, come in guys" You said as you smiled at them. 

"Look at this little cutie!" Eleanor said as she walked over to see Regan in your arms. 

"Hi! Thanks for coming" You said as she leaned in to hug you. 

"Well she is quite a beauty" Louis said as he joined Eleanor at her side. 

"Would you like to hold her Lou?" Niall said as he came over and you handed Regan to Niall. 

"Give me this little cutie" Louis joked as Niall placed him in his arms. "Well done Mate". 

"She is just precious Y/N" Eleanor cooed as Regan wrapped her tiny hand around her finger. 

"Thank you El" You said as you smiled back to her. 

"Can the godparents come in to see their little goddaughter?" Perrie said as she peeked her head in the door. 

"Hi guys! Of course, come in and see her" You said as Perrie walked in the door with Zayn by her side. 

"Where is my little goddaughter?" Zayn joked as he walked over to see her in Louis' arms. 

"Zayn, meet Regan Brooke" Niall said as he took her from Louis and placed her in Zayns arms. 

"Hi there little missy" Zayn said as smiled at her. 

"How are you feeling Y/N?" Perrie said as she walked over and sat in the chair beside your bed. 

"I'm tired but good. Just happy to finally have my little girl here" You said as you and Perrie smiled at the sight of Zayn holding her. 

"Zayn, don't be greedy. My turn to hold Regan" Perrie said as she walked over to Zayn. 

"Here you go love" Zayn said as he handed Regan to Perrie. 

"Well how does it feel to finally be a mommy?" Perrie said as she began to rock the baby in her arms. 

"It's wonderful" You said as you smiled and looked to Niall to see a loving look in his eyes. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now