Labor- Part 1

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Your POV:

After Denise had rushed you to the hospital you had been brought back into the room and were waiting for Niall. Denise had helped you into your hospital gown and was holding your hand and helping you breathe through the contractions. 

"Princess!" Niall said as he came barreling through the door to your room. "Princess I am so sorry". 

"Niall, its okay, really. Denise has been here with me" You said as he rushed over to your bedside. 

"I knew I shouldn't have left for the studio" He pulled you closer to him. 

"Niall, it's fine. I am okay and so is the baby" You said as you kissed his cheek. 

"Denise, thank you so much for being here with her." Niall said as she stepped back to hug Denise. 

"Of course Niall, I'm happy I could be here to help". 

"Has the doctor come in to check on you yet?" Niall said as sat down on the edge of the bed next to you. 

"Not yet, but the nurse came in and said the baby is fine." You said as you felt a pain in your lower stomach and your body tensed up. 

"What is it princess?" Niall said frantically. 

"She is having a contraction." Denise said as she moved to your other side. "Hold her hand and help her breathe. Denise and Niall held your hands as you breathed deeply and the pain began to fade. 

"I think it's over, I'm okay now" You said as your body began to relax and you layed back onto the pillows behind you. 

"I'm so sorry princess, It will be over soon and the doctor should be coming to check on you any minute now." Niall said as he rubbed his hands over your stomach and you heard a knock as if on cue. 

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Horan, I heard someone went into labor!" The doctor said cheerfully as she walked into the room. "Let's take a look".

After the doctor spent a few minutes checking to make sure you and the baby were doing good and explaining how the next few hours would go she left so you could rest. 

"How are you feeling now princess?" Niall said as he sat down next to you and rubbed his hands over your stomach. 

"I'm okay but it still hurts a little" You said as you placed your hands over his. 

"Are you sure there isn't anything I can get for you?" He said as he began to stroke your back. 

"Just stay here with me" You said as you leaned your head against his shoulder. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now