Labor- Part 2: His POV

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Your POV:

Y/N had been in labor for hours now and I couldn't stand seeing her in pain. All I wanted was to be able to make her feel better but I couldn't. She had finally fallen asleep after I squeezed in beside her in the hospital bed and soothed her to sleep. There was a knock at the door and I slipped out of the bed, careful not to wake her. 

"Hey Greg" I whispered when I opened the door to see my brother standing there. 

"How's she doing?" He said as he walked into the room. 

"She doing okay but she just fell asleep. Why don't we go outside for a bit..." I said as I lead us out the hospital room and sat down in the waiting area. 

"It's going to be okay bro. I felt the same way with Denise but she was strong just like Y/N will be. In the end it will all be okay." Greg said as he patted me on the back. 

"I know she is so strong but what if I'm not. What if I can't do this? Be a father, be strong enough for her to rely on?" I said as my head fell into my hands. 

"Niall, your going to be a great dad. Before Theo was born I was nevous, even scared but the second I saw him and held him in my arms I knew I could do this. You can too" Greg said as he patted my back. 

"Thanks Greg..." I said as to him as I heard Y/N calling my name. "I'm right here princess" I rushed back into the room to be at her side. 

"It hurts so much Ni" She said as she began to cry. 

"Sh, princess. It's okay" I wrapped my arms around her. "I'm here for you. It will all be over soon".

"I don't know if I can do this. It's getting worse" She layed her head against my chest and continued to sob. 

"Look at me princess." I put my finger under her chin to pull her up to me. "You are so strong princess, you can do this".

"Thank you Ni, I don't think I could do this without you".  She leaned in and pressed her forehead against mine. 

"We can do this, you can do this". I said as I pressed a kiss to her lips. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now