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Thank you guys so much for reading!! I cannot belive this story is over 100,000 reads!! 

When I started writing preferences and imagines I was having a tough time and reading imagines really helped me through. That was why I started because I wanted to be able to help people like myself even if it just was writing a preference. 

I know many people have commented requesting preferences but I have been so busy so getting to them has been hard. I now have the time and want to do as many as I can...

SOOO, if you have a Niall baby/ toddler imagine comment it below and I will pick my favorites to post this weekend!

Thank you all again for reading, it means so much to me!! 

Also, if anyone is going through a tough time and needs to talk to someone please feel free to reach out to me!!


Wordsandlove ♡♡♡♡

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now