Predicting the Gender

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Your POV:

You and Niall were cuddling in bed after a dinner with the other guys and management. You were laying in his arms with his hands over your stomach. In the past few weeks as your stomach had grown the skin had been really dry.

"Hey Ni?" You turned to your side as looked up at Niall

"Yes princess?" He said as he looked into your eyes. 

"I bought this special lotion for my tummy since it's been so dry, do you think you could get it for me? It's in the bathroom on the counter." You said as you rubbed his arm.

"Sure princess, be right back" he said as he kissed your forehead before walking over to the bathroom. Before you knew it he returned with the lotion and had put some in his hands. 

"Wait, babe what are you doing?" You said to him confused.

"I'm going to rub this on your tummy princess, obviously" 

"Oh I was going to do it myself but that would be great, thanks baby" You said with a thankful smile.

"Come here princess" He said before laying back. You sat between his legs and leaned back onto his stomach and he began to rub the lotion in circles over your stomach. 

"Thats feels wonderful babe" You said as you leaned your head back onto his shoulder. 

"I'm just happy I could help you feel better" He said before pressing a kiss to your temple. 

"What would I do without you Niall?" You said a little jokingly.

"I don't know but I'm pretty sure you would have a very dry little baby bump" 

"You know what I read in a pregnancy book from Denise the other day?" You said before turning to look up to him.

"What was that?" He said as he pumped more lotion into his hand. 

"That if you have really dry skin when your pregnant it means your having a girl"

"Really? Another little princess?" He said as he continued to rub your stomach. "It could be a little guy you know" 

"Another Horan boy? I can barely handle you!"

"Well I guess we will just have to wait to find out if we are going to have another princess or prince running around in a few months." He set the lotion on the nightstand.

"I guess we are going to have to wait, but hey! I didn't say you could stop did I?" You said before reaching over picking the lotion back up.

"Wow being pregnant has made you a little snappy Princess" he went back to rubbing lotion on your stomach. "But since your my princess so I will do whatever you ask." He pressed another kiss to your temple as he continued rubbing your stomach. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now