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Your POV:

You were already 8 months pregnant and you and Niall couldn't wait for the baby to be born. Today you were going in for what you thought would be one of your final ultrasounds.

"You ready to take a look at your girl?" The doctor asked as she picked up the wand.

"We can't wait" Niall said as he squeezed your hand gently.

"Well lets take a look" The doctor began to move the wand over your stomach and you heard the heartbeat.

"There she is Ni" You said to him as you pointed to the screen.

"She looks great. Perfect size for 34 weeks." She continued to move the wand across your belly.

"Wow, she looks so big" Niall said with a smile.

"She is much bigger than she was last time." The doctor said as she glanced at Niall. "So you have about a month until your due date so it is important to make sure you are all ready for the baby since she could come early."

"Do you think she will come early?" You said nervously to the doctor. You and Niall had been preparing for months but the realization that she was coming so soon hit you.

"Most likely she will come around 3 days before or after your due date but it isn't common for babies to come up to a month early. Don't worry though, at this point in the pregnancy she is almost fully grown so there is nothing to worry about" the doctor put down the wand and wiped the remaining gel from your stomach.

"Oh okay" you said nervously as you began to pull your shirt back down.

"I will be back in a moment with some new pictures of the baby" the doctor said on her way out the door.

"Princess what is it?" Niall asked, sensing your nervousness.

"It hit me that in less than a month she will be here. What if I'm not ready?" You said as you moved your hands over your stomach.

"Y/N..." Niall said as he picked up your hands in his. "You are ready for this. We have been preparing for months and I know you will be an amazing mom. I promise" he picked up your hands and kissed them.

"Thank you Ni" you said as you leaned over to him.

"Of course princess" he leaned in as he pressed a kiss to your lips.

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now