Thanksgiving- His POV

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His POV:

Being Irish we never celebrated Thanksgiving but that changed when Y/N began dating. It was one of her favorite holiday's so I made it mine. Usually we flew to America to spend it with her family but being pregnant stopped that from happening so I decided to give her an amazing thanksgiving, just the two of us. She had tried to help me cook a few times but after the first 3 times I kicked her out of the kitchen she got the idea. I had put the finishing touches on all of her favorite thanksgiving foods- turkey, sweet potatoes with marshmallows and the cranberry sauce I had to call her mom to get the recipie for. 

"Wow, Ni. This is amazing! You did all of this by yourself?" I turned from the table to see her standing wearing his pajams and her hair in a messy bun. 

"I wanted this to be special for you. Even though your family isn't here we can have a wonderful thanksgiving just the two--" I walked over to her and placed my hands on her stomach. "Three, of us" I placed a kiss to her forehead. 

"This was perfect Niall, I loved it. Thank you" After we finished, Y/N reached her hand across the table and put her hand in mine. 

"I'm happy you enjoyed it princess. Even though I'm not American I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, I have you" I picked up her hand a placed a kiss to it. "And I have our little girl on the way, and I have us. So this year I am very, very thankful" I stood from the table and walked over to place a kiss to her perfect baby bump, and then her lips. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now