Starting to Show- His POV

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His POV:

After spending the day with me in the studio Y/N was exhausted so she went upstairs after dinner to nap while I cleaned up. Y/N was always so energetic and would wake up before me and go to bed after me but since she got pregnant she had been exhausted all the time. When I finished the last dish I made my way upstairs to see her lying in bed. She was laying in bed in her bra and underwear which was normal but as my eyes traveled down her body I noticed it-- the bump. Her usually flat stomach now had a small bump over it. I layed down next to her, trying not to wake her. She was always the most beautiful woman in the world but now with that small bump and her glow she was stunning. I moved down to be at eye level with the bump and gently placed a kiss to it when I noticed her eyes flutter open. 

"Hi baby" She said in a sleepy voice. 

"Hi Princess, I didn't mean to wake you" I saw as I layed back and opened my arms to her. 

"Don't worry, I wanted to see you" She said as she rolled into my arms.

"I didn't notice it this morning," I said as I placed my hand on her stomach.

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing right?" She said as she looked up at me with glowing eyes. 

"I love it" I said as I pressed a kiss to her forehead. "And I love you" 

"I love you too Ni" She said as she rested her head on my chest. 

"And I love you little Horan" I said as I pressed a kiss to her stomach again. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now