Telling Niall

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Your POV:

Niall was going to be home any minute and you were so excited to see him and tell him the good news. You were putting the finishing touches on the cake you had made when you heard him come through the door. 

"Princess? I'm home!" He said as he dropped his suitcase in the foyer. 

"Princess!" He said when he saw you. You ran over to him and he picked you up as you embraced and your lips met his. 

"I missed you" You said as you buried your face in his shoulder. 

"I missed you too" He said as he placed a kiss to your cheeks.

"You look like your glowing!" He said as he took a step back to look at you. Your heart began to race as you thought of an excuse.

"Oh, I--uh, Denise and I spent the day at the pool, I forgot the sunscree, guess I got a little tan" You said pleased with your cover.

"I'm so happy you both spent some time together, at least you have someone here with you" He said as he wrapped you into a hug again. 

"Come in the kitchen, I made you a cake." You said as you took his hand and led him to the kitchen

"Wow, it looks great" He exclaimed as he saw his favorite cake sitting on the table. You and Niall enjoyed the cake while you listened to his stories of the tour. 

"I brought you a present" He said as he stood up and walked back over to his suitcase. He returned with a small box.

"For my princess" he said as he handed you the square blue box. You opened the box to reveal a gold necklace with a small heart engraved with your name and his. 

"Oh Niall, it is beautiful" You said as you jumped from your chair to hug him. "I got you a little something too" You said as you reached for the shopping bag you had left on the counter, waiting for the perfect time to show him. 

"Y/N, you didn't have to get me anything..." He said as you handed him the bag. "What is it?" He said as he reached in.

"Just take a look". He pulled out a white t-shirt you had rolled up with a ribbon tied around it. He untied the bow and unrolled the shirt to see the writing "#1 Dad" 

"What?" He said with a confused look on his face. "Are you...are we...?" He said as he set the shirt on the table and wrapped his arms around your shoulders. 

"I'm pregnant Niall" You said, nervously awaiting his response. 

"Really?" He said as his eyes watered and he placed a hand on your stomach. 

"Mhm, we are having a baby" 

"I can't wait princess. This is our baby" He said as he kissed your forehead. "I love you, and our baby".

"I love you too" You said as he embraced you again and gently pressed his lips to yours. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now