Finding out the Gender

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Your POV:

"And there's the baby" the doctor said as she moved the ultrasound wand over your stomach.

"There it is Ni" You said as you squeezed his hand gently.

"It looks so much bigger
now" Niall said as he pointed at the screen.

"Well now Y/N is 13 weeks along, last time she was only 7 so the baby has grown quite a bit since then" The doctor told Niall with a smile. "Would you like to know the sex of the baby or wait until it's born" You turned to Niall to see what he would say. You really wanted to know but you knew if Niall wanted to wait then you would be okay with that.

"I want to know, only if you do" He said as he looked into your eyes.

"I'd like to know" You said as you turned back to the doctor.

"Well....let's see...." The doctor continued to move the wand over your stomach.

"Ready?" She said to you and Niall and you both nodded.

"You are having a baby girl!" The doctor said excitedly.

"Really?" Niall said as his eyes began to water and he looked at the doctor like a kid on christmas morning. "A little princess?" He said as he looked over to you.

"A little princess" You said as you leaned your head over to his.

"I love you Y/N" Niall said as he pressed a quick kiss to your lips.

"I will give you two some time. Here are the new photos..."She said as she handed you two small pictures that looked similar to last time but you could tell the baby had grown. "And don't forget to make another appointment for 4 weeks from now on your way out. Good to see you both" She said as she walked towards the door.

"Thank you Dr. Bell" Niall said and she nodded and walked out.

"A girl, I guess you were right princess" Niall said as he pressed a kiss to your temple.

"I'm always right Ni" You said as with a laugh as you rubbed the remaining gel of your stomach.

"I love you little princess" Niall said as he pressed a kiss to your bare stomach. "And you too princess" He said before picking up his head and kissing your lips.

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now