Picking the Godparents

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Your POV:

After spending hours deciding who the baby's godparents should be you decided on Zayn and Perrie. Zayn and Niall were always great friends and over the past few years had become close. The first time Niall introduced you to Zayn and Perrie you and her became best friends and were as close as sisters because you both could understand what it was like to be married to a member of One Direction. The boys were recording a new track today in the studio and you and Perrie had decided to go too and chat while the boys recorded the song. 

"Hey Zayn, wait a sec" Niall said to Zayn before him and Perrie walked out of the studio.

"What's up mate?" Zayn said as he turned around with Perrie to you.

"We have something we wanted to ask the two of you" Niall said as you felt his hand wrap around your waist.

"You know we love you both and so we wanted to know..." Niall began.

"We would love for you to be the baby's godparents" You said before Niall could finish, too excited to share with them the news to let him say anything. 

"Wow really?" Perrie said as she pulled you into a hug.

"We couldn't imagine any two people better to take care of our little princess if something were to happen to us" Niall said as him and Zayn hugged. 

"You know how much we loved kids but it just hasn't happened for us yet" Perrie said as her eyes began to water. You knew that they had tried but they hadn't been able to and you thought having a godchild would be a nice way to be involved with the baby. 

"Princess? So its a girl?" Zayn said excitedly.

"Yes, were having a girl!" Niall said as you felt his hold on you tighten.

"We would love to, someone is going to have to teach her how to graffiti the walls" Zayn said with a laugh as he wrapped an arm around Perrie. 

"Zayn, you can't teach her how to spray paint the walls, but I will definetly buy her lots of dress up!" Perrie said as her face lit up.

"It would be such an honor, thank you both" Zayn said. 

"And we have to go shopping, I'll give you a call to make a date" Perrie said before hugging you again. 

"That would be lovely, we will see you both soon" You said as you pulled away from Perrie. 

"Well that went well, I was so nervous to ask them" You said to Niall as you both made your way to the car.

"Why were you nervous princess, they love us and they will love the little princess" He said before wrapping his arms around your neck and you yawned. 

"Let's get home princess, you look tired" He said as he placed a kiss on your forehead. 

"Your the best Ni" You said as you returned the kiss to his lips. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now