Niall Returns from Tour

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Your POV:

After 3 weeks without Niall you couldn't wait to see him. He had told you he would be taking a car home from the airport but you had decided you were going to surprise him at the airport. His flight was arriving at noon which gave you plenty of time to get the house ready for him to come home and bake his favorite cake, your little tradition to have when he came home from tour. You had driven to the back of the airport where the private section was where their flight was going to land. After showing your ID at the gate you made your way in and took a seat in one of the chairs by the window and after waiting for a few minutes and reading a pregnancy magazine you saw the private plane pull onto the runway. A few minutes later the boys came through the door looking exhuasted with their duffle bags in hand. 

"Princess?" Niall saw you and immedietly ran over to you.

"Surprise!" You said as you threw yourself into his arms.

"I told you I would take a car home, I don't want you and the baby to be unsafe." He said as his arms wrapped around you. 

"I know but I wanted to surprise you" 

"I missed you so much princess, I couldn't wait to get home and see you" He said into the crook of your neck."Hows my other girl?" Niall pressed his hands to your stomach. 

"She is good but she missed you too" You looked down to see Niall moving his hands over your stomach and you felt a kick. 

"I felt her, she kicked" Niall looked up at you.

"She missed her daddy" You said to him as you felt a tear in your eye. Niall raised himself back up to eye level with you. 

"I promise, I'm not going anywhere for a long time. I am staying with my two princesses." Niall said before wrapping his arms around you and gently pressing his lips to yours. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now