On Tour- Part 1

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Your POV:

Niall had been away for almost a week and a half and you missed him more and more each day. You were counting down the seconds until he got home. The time difference had made it especially hard for you and Niall to talk to eachother but no matter how tired he was after a concert or if it was the middle of the night where he was he always made sure to speak to you. It was just before you going to bed when you were in the living room pacing back and forth waiting for his call. Just as you were ready to give up and go to sleep you heard the phone buzz across the coffee table. 

"Hi Princess!" You heard his excitement through the phone.

"Hi Niall!" You said as you sat back on the couch putting the phone on speaker. 

"How are my two favorite princesses doing?" He said and you could practically see his smile through the phone. 

"We are good, we can't wait for you to come home though, we miss you" You said as you placed a hand over your stomach. 

"I miss you both too, what did you and Regan do today?"

"Well, we went and picked out some baby clothes and they delivered the furniture for the nursery so when you get home you can put it together but it looks pretty complicated so I think Uncle Greg might need to help out" You said as you giggled to yourself and looked down at your stomach.

"I'm sure he would be happy to help". Even though you spoke every day you really missed him and as you began to think that it would be almost 2 more weeks before he came home you felt a tear in your eye. 

"Princess, you there?" Niall said as his voice sounded concerned. 

"Yeah, I'm here" Your voice cracked as you felt a sob build in your chest.

"Princess, what is it?"

"It's just---" your tears turned into a sob. "I just wish you were here with me. It's hard doing this alone and I have Denise and Perrie but it's really lonely around here when your gone. And it's almost christmas and I thought we would be putting up a tree and getting gifts for each other..." You reached over to the side table to pick up the box of tissues. 

"Y/N, I know it's tough but I will be home really soon and when I do we are going to get a tree and presents and we can bake those christmas cookies your mom taught us how to bake. And you, me and Regan are going to have the best christmas ever. Okay?" He said as you wiped your tears with a sniffle.

"I love you Ni" You said as you put down the box of tissues and smoothed your hands over your baby bump.

"I love you too princess. Go get some rest and we will talk tomorrow." You heard Nialls reassuring voice and instantly felt better. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now