Telling Your Families

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Your POV:

You had invited Niall's and your families over for lunch and to announce the news to them. Niall had wanted to tell everyone at the same time, even though Denise already knew. Niall and you had finished preparing lunch when you heard the doorbell ring. You headed for the door and opened it to see a very excited looking Denise holding Theo and Greg standing next to her holding a tray of cookies. 

"Hi Y/N! I brought some cookies!" Denise said as she stepped inside and hugged you.

"How's my favorite little sister doing?" Greg said as he gave you a hug. 

"Good, how are you guys?" You said as you stepped away from them and took the tray of cookies from Greg. 

"We're doing good, Theo was so excited to see you" Greg said as Theo ran over to you

"Hi Aunty Y/N" Theo said as he hugged you.

"Hi Theo, I think there is a soccer ball outside if you want to go play with Uncle Niall and daddy before we eat"

"Awesome, thanks Aunty Y/N" He said before running towards the door to the yard followed by Greg. 

"Princess, I'm going to play outside with Greg and Theo, call us in when my parents get here?" He said as he walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. 

"Of course, see you in a bit" You said before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. You and Denise walked into the kitchen. 

"So how did he take the news?" Denise said as she took a seat at the kitchen table.

"Amazingly, he was so happy. Thanks for being there for me" You said as you pulled the lunch out of the fridge. 

After chatting with Denise for a little longer yours and Nialls parents arrived. Everyone had ate lunch and you were about to get up to bring out the dessert when Niall cleared his throat to get everyones attention.

"Everyone, we have something to tell you all" he said once everyone had turned to the both of you.

"Y/N is pregnant!" He said excitedly and everyones faces turned to smiles. 

"Congratulations!" Maura said as she jumped from her chair to hug the both of you. 

"I can't believe you are going to be a mommy!" Your mom said to you as she embraced you. 

"Great, Theo will finally have a cousin" Greg said as he patted Niall and the back and hugged you.

"We are so happy, thank you all so much for your support" Niall said as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. 

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now