Bringing the Baby Home

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Your POV:

After spending the night in the hospital you were discharged this morning and both you and the baby had been given a clean bill of health. Niall helped you change into the comfortable outfit you had packed in your bag and together you dressed Regan in a pink polka dot onesie that you had picked out together to bring her home in. You and Niall had carefully put Regan in the car seat you and him had installed in the back of his car and were on your way to bring her home. 

"Were here princess" Niall said as he pulled the car into the driveway. Niall parked the car and opened your door for you to get out before the two of you walked to the other side of the car to take Regan out. After the two of you had brought the baby inside you had gone to take a shower while Niall got her ready to sleep. 

"Well don't you two look adorable" You said as you walked into the nursery to see Niall sitting in the rocking chair you had picked out together, cuddling Regan in his arms.

"Hi princess" Niall whispered to you as you walked over to him and brushed a finger over Regans tiny cheek. "How are you feeling?".

"I'm tired but I'm happy she is here" you said as you pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

"I'll put her down and then we can go rest princess" Niall said as he carefully rose from the chair and walked over to the crib.

"Be careful Ni" You said as you joined him as he placed her down in the crib. 

"I know princess" He said with a laugh before pulling the blanket you had been given from Perrie that was folded on the side of the crib over her tiny body.

"Look how beautiful she is Niall" You said as you leaned your head on his shoulder as you watched Regan sleep peacefully in her crib.

"She is our perfect little princess" Niall said before wrapping his arm around your waist. "Our perfect little family."

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now