You and Niall Do An Interview

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Your POV:

"Please welcome Niall Horan and his beautiful wife and soon-to-be mommy, Y/N Horan!" The interviewer said as you and Niall walked across the stage and she greeted you both. 

"Thank you so much for having us" Niall said as you and him sat down. 

"It is a pleasure having you both here". The interviewer sat down in the chair across from you both. "So you must both be so excited to have a little girl on the way".

"We are so excited, we just can't wait to meet her" You said as you smoothed your hands over your stomach.

"Adorable, aren't they just the cutest" The interviewer turned to the audience and they applauded. "So Niall, are you planning on being on daddy duty or will there be another One Direction tour while this one is growing up?".

"I am going to be there for my girl. Both of my girls. I don't think they will be able to get me to leave them long enough for a tour anytime soon". Niall looked over to you and smiled. 

"How sweet. Have you two thought of names yet? Any exclusives you would like to tell me?" She said to you with a cheeky grin. 

"We have already named our girl but we are going to wait until she arrives to announce it". You said as you felt Niall's arm wrap around your shoulder. 

"Will the little girl be taking after her daddys Irish name or will she be all american like her mommy?".

"We found a way to incorporate a little of both" You looked over to Niall and winked. 

"I'm just hoping she comes out looking like her beautiful mommy" Niall said as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. 

"Well you two are just the cutest. We can't wait to see the first picture of the little girl!" The interviewer said as the audience began to clap.

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now