Labor/ Delivery- Part 3 (Final)

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Your POV:

"Thank you Ni, that is helping so much" You said as you felt Nialls hands move over your stomach. Niall was sitting behind you rubbing your stomach as you layed against his chest. 

"Of course princess, anything to help you" He said as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. 

"I can't believe she is going to be here so soon" You said as he continued to rub your stomach. 

"I know, I can't wait to meet my little princess." Niall said as you felt another contraction coming. 

"Oh no, it's happening again..." You said as you grabbed Niall's hand to squeeze. 

"Breathe princess, deep breaths" He said as your grip on his hand tightened. 

"It hurts more than last time, OW!" You felt a sharper pain in your stomach than your earlier contractions. "I think this is it Ni".

"Oh my goodness, really?" Niall said as you turned to him. 

"Go get the doctor!" Niall jumped from the bed and ran to get the doctor. 

"Alright, let's have this baby!" The doctor said as she walked in and Niall ran to your side. 

"I can't do this Ni, it hurts too much. I don't think I will be able to..." You said when Niall cut you off. 

"Princess, you can do this. You can bring our little girl into this world" He said as his eyes met yours.

"When your ready I need you to push" The doctor said as positioned herself between your legs.

"I'm right here princess" Niall said as you grasped his hands as you pushed. 

"Very good Y/N, I can see the head. Keep pushing" The doctor said as you gripped Nialls hands harder and pushed again. 

"That's it, she is almost here" You felt your body stretch around the babys head. After another push the baby was in the doctors hands. 

"Theres your baby girls" The doctor said as you heard a loud cry. A nurse came over with a pink blanket and began to wrap her. 

"Good job princess, I knew you could do it" Niall said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. 

"Here's your little girl" The nurse said as she placed a pink bundle on your chest. 

"Hi there little princess" You cooed to her as you placed a kiss to her forehead. 

"Our little princess." Niall said as he stroked a finger across her tiny cheek. "Our little Regan Brooke". 

"She is our little princess Ni" You said as you looked up to him. "We did it."

"No princess, You did it" Niall said as he pressed a kiss to your lips. 

Regan Brooke Horan born May 7th at 7:12 PM

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now