Your Water Breaks

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Your POV:

You were almost a week and half past your due date and you were anxious for the baby to come. Throughout the pregnancy Niall had been reluctant to leave you but as you got closer and then past your due date he refused to leave your side, convinced at any second the baby could come. He had gotten a call from management saying he had to come into the studio for a last minute recording but had told them he couldn't leave you. After convincing him it would be fine and asking Denise to come stay with you he agreed.

"Princess, I really don't have to go if you want me to stay. What if something happens while I'm gone." Niall said as he stood with you in the doorway.

"Niall, it will be fine. I will take good care of her, I promise" Denise said as she tried to get Niall out the door.

"Really, Ni. We will be fine" You said to him as his arms wrapped around you.

"Okay, But I will have my phone in my hand the entire time. I will see you two soon" He said as he kissed your stomach and then your lips.

"Gosh, I thought he would never leave." Denise said as she shut the door behind him. "He keeps you by his side so long I never get to spend time with you." You giggled.

You and Denise had gone up to the nursery to finish folding the newest baby clothes you had added to the collection. As you picked up another onesie to fold you felt a pain in your lower stomach.

"Y/N, you okay?" Denise said as she turned to you.

"Yeah, I think she was just kicking. I guess she is as anxious to come out as I am." You said as you picked the onesie back up when you felt the pain again. Your eyes went wide when you realized. "Denise" You said as you dropped the onesie again.

"Yes, Y/N, it happens not all babies come out before the due date. I had Theo almost 2 weeks after my due date". She said as she picked up another onesie to fold.

"Denise" You said you felt the pain again. "I think I'm in labor".

"Oh my god" She said as she stood up. "Oh my god! We have to get to the hospital!" She said as she helped you up from the rocking chair. "Let's get you to the car and I will call Niall".

"My bag is in the bottom of the closet. Can you grab it?" You said as you put your hands over your stomach again as the pain increased.

"Of course I will be right back" She ran to get the bag and returned and helped you to the car.

"Niall?" You said into the phone as he picked up.

"Hi Princess, you and Denise having fun?"

"Niall, we are on our way to the hospital, I went into labor" You said in between trying to take deep breaths.

"Oh my goodness, Princess I will meet you there! I can't wait to meet our little girl. I love you" He said and you heard him become frantic.

"I love you too, see you soon" You said before hanging up and pulling into the hospital.

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now