Choosing the Name

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Your POV:

Niall was laying in bed when you walked into your bedroom holding a stack of baby name books Perrie had bought for you. 

"Princess, what is all of this?" Niall asked you as you tossed the pile of books onto the bed before laying down next to him. 

"Perrie bought them for me" You said before picking up the book on top of the pile, 'Pregnancy: What You Need To Know'

"Wow she really went all out, 'All About Babies', 'Baby 411', 'The Big Book of Baby Names'" Niall began to pull each book off the stack. "Have you given any thought to the baby's name, princess?" Niall set the book in his hand down and turned to you.

"A little..." You said as cheeky grin came across your face. 

"What did you do princess?" Niall said, realizing you were holding something back. 

"Well...." You reached over into your nightstand where you had a folded up piece of paper with some baby names you had thought of. "I kind of, maybe made a list..." You said as you turned back to Niall and began to onfold the paper. 

"Of course you did Y/N, I didn't really think that being pregnant would stop you from being as overly prepared as you always are" Niall said as he snatched the paper from your hand. "Let's see this..." He began to scan over the page.

"Bridget, Cassidy, Mona, Regan..." Niall's eyes continued to read over the list. "Wait a minute, these are all Irish names princess" He looked over at you with a confused look on his face.

"I know, I wanted to surprise you. I thought it would be nice if she had an Irish names and your family would like it" 

"That is so sweet of you, I love it and I know my family will" He said before placing a kiss to your lips. 

"So which of them do you like?" You looked up at him, hoping he picked your favorite one. 

"I like them all, but since her first name is going to be an Irish name, you should get to pick whatever name you want for her middle name, okay princess?" He said as he placed his hand over your arm. 

"Okay, but first tell me which one you like the best" 

"Hmm..." He read the list over again. "I like Regan" He said and you instantly were overjoyed he picked your favorite name. 

"Thats my favorite one Ni, I love it" You said before moving closer to him to lay in his arms. 

"Good, because I was prepared to fight for that one I liked it so much" He said before placing a kiss to your forehead and you laughed. "And her middle name...?" He said as he looked down to you. 

"I kinda, also have that planned out already too..." You said waiting for him to make fun of you. 

"Of course you do Princess, what is it?"

"Brooke" You said nervous he wouldn't like it.

"Regan Brooke....I love it" He said as he kissed your lips. "Hi there Regan Brooke" He said as he lowered himself to your stomach.

Niall Horan Pregnancy Preference- Having a Baby With Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now