Chapter 20: We're your friends

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⚠ Warning: Long chapter(over 1,700 words)

Three days passed........

# At Bulletproof Highschool, Taehyung's last class #

Taehyung was in thought for most of his class, they didn't really do anything except for review afterall.

He was thinking about all the stuff he bought that he had not tried on yet. As well as his new underwear. But he only gets those things online.

Maybe he would today.....
It was going on the weekend so he would have a little time to himself.
The gang weren't planning on going to Jin's house because jin was 'doing some things' and wanted to be 'alone'(more like hangout with Namjoon basically)

Thinking the thought a smile formed on his lips. He loved trying on new outfits it gave him life. It made him feel special as a person. He just wished he had more people to share it with considering only his family new and they were very excepting.

He wished he could share his passion of cross dressing with his friends but sadly, he was still afraid of being shunned. He felt that they would treat him differently.

# After school #

"Bye everyone" Taehyung said as he ran off."See you guys later" Yoongi said while walking with Hoseok. "You too" Jin said as well walking with namjoon. "Hey, you need a ride" Jimin said to ashlyn. "I......actually have to do some things so I'll be seeing you tomorrow okay." Ashlyn said a bit awkwardly ."Sure, bye" Jimin said wondering what Ashlyn was up to.

Ashlyn was on her way to Taehyung's house for the surprise visit and was super excited. But one thing comes first..

So she got Chinese takeout and decided to eat it on her way there, as tae's house was the farthest of every one else's, she took the train.

# On the train #

The train was surprisingly empty with only like two or three people so she was able to sit and eat in peace.

As she ate she was surprised at how peaceful everything was, she rarely went on trains, this was her second time.Crazy right? She was scared considering most dangers, and she didn't get out much either so what's the use of a train really. But she's on this train for Taehyung and thats it.

As she finally got off the train she quickly threw her trash away and tried to remember Taehyung's house, she remembered the neighborhood and that it was the only house on one of the blocks so it was easy.

Mean while, Tae was trying on his outfits while listening to one of his current favorite songs, She's a Baby, by Zico
(A/N I love that song so much like you have no freaking idea, I could play that song over and over again and would still giggle at his small chuckle😍. It literally just came on too while I was writing this, I could talk about this all day but I won't😊)

As she walked the area, she smiled. She had finally found it and ran straight away, it was getting cold and she wanted to get warm real quick.

# Taehyung's house #

Just to make sure Tae doesn't hear her at the door she knocked instead of ringing the door bell. As she knocked she heard a soft voice from the other side saying coming.

It was Taehyung's mother. "Oh, Ashlyn. Should I tell Tae your here ?" She said. "No, ma'am. I'm here for a surprise visit so he doesn't know I'm coming at all" Ashlyn said with a smile, "well he's up stairs so go on up, he'll be happy to see you" she said letting ashlyn in."Thank you", Ashlyn said and went on up.

As she went up she could see that his door was creaked open and could hear Tae singing to music. She was happy, she loved to hear Tae sing, it gave off a nice feeling.

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