Chapter 26: A bit of worry

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#Jimin's house #

"I wonder how that date is going, it looks like its going to rain soon" Jimin said. "Yeah, it does doesn't it, but the dates probably going great seeing as Tae is on a date with the golden boy" Ashlyn said looking out the window.

"Oh yeah, remember that bet we had" she said. "Yeah, what about it?" Jimin said turning to her.
"It seems that I win.", Ashlyn said smirking.

"What, wait, nooooo. Technically we both lost. You said what ship was going to be 'next'." Jimin said
"But you shipped taeseok, that means that yoonseok is the last ship." She said.

"Fine but I won't give you the money yet. Unless I see some yoonseok then no cash." Jimin said. "Fine", she said jumping on the bed.

"Hey, you still got those outfits from sugar sweet cafe right?" Ashlyn asked. "Yeah ,why?" Jimin asked.

"..........Strip for me" Ashlyn said,"and put an outfit on, its been a long time since you really put something cute on, around the time we first met to be exact." She continued walking up to him.

"I'm not doing that anymore! Your hungry eyes creep me out, I'll cross dress when I want too and not in front of you, ever, again." Jimin said."I wouldn't be so sure about that honey" ashlyn had swept her leg in the back of Jimins back leg making him fall to the ground.

Ashlyn had got on top of him and started to unbutton his shirt."Get off, Ashlyn, please!" Jimin pleaded struggling to get out of her hold.

"Calm down its not like I'm stripping you naked,you can keep your boxers and tank top on, I just want to see you in something cute. Now stop struggling!" Ashlyn said.

"Hey kids, I brought you s-oh my, um, bad timing?" Jimin's mother said as she was shocked to see the situation."YES" Jimin said. She had hurriedly came into the room and put there food down and shut the door quickly as she went down stairs.

"Honey, I told you Jimin was  straight, Ashlyn was on top of Jimin stripping him of his shirt,they've gotta be dating by now...... ", the mother said freaking out a little.

"Sweetie calm down, I'm pretty sure ashlyn was being Ashlyn besides, we did come in on Jimin taking pictures of his butt yesterday. I'm pretty sure he's still gay" Jimin's father said. "Maybe he's bi" she thought.

"I CAN STILL HEAR YOU GO TO YOUR ROOM, PLEASE!" Jimin said out loud. Being friends with ashlyn was tuff. Even though she helped a lot with most things. He had to explain a lot of stuff to his parents what went on in Jimin's room when Ashlyn was there.

"Sorry" Ashlyn said ," now about those butt pictures........"

# Yoongi's home #

"It look's really cloudy out today, I hope Taehyung and Jungkook are safe", Hoseok said walking to the living room with two plates of food.

"They probably are, don't worry" Jin said also carrying two plates,
"Also, Yoongi, you could have helped a little."

"Well I'm not the best cook am I , also I'm too lazy. Ow! What was that for." Hoseok had smacked him on his shoulder, hard.
"It was for not helping, also you and Namjoon are cleaning after we eat, thats the least you can do" he said with sass, swaying his hips as he walked to his seat, making Yoongi feel some type of way.

"Why me! I didn't even say anything", Namjoon said."well you suck at cooking so we were planning to let you clean up anyway" Jin said bluntly. "Okay......" He said.

The older ones of the group  decided to hang out. They loved the younger ones of course but.............
Having bunny boy,an adorable child, a baby-faced juicy booty mochi, and a fujoshi hanging out all the time can be tiring.

They just decided to eat, watch something they usually don't watch, and play a stupid game, and maybe sleep at the host house. 

"So what game are we playing today?" Hoseok said. "Twister, but I'm not playing this time" yoongi said getting the game out. "Then I'll spin the spinner and namjoon and Jin play" hoseok said.

"Oh, its on", Namjoon said cracking his knuckles. "It's on like donkey Kong" Jin said. "No...Just no..." Yoongi said cringing.
Jin rolled his eyes, "fine, let's just get on with the game please."

The game went smoothly until long legs couldn't handle staying in a weird position for so long and the two collapsed on each other.
So Jin had won.

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