Chapter 23: Another Confession

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#At bulletproof highschool#

"I'm seriously done with school", Ashlyn said fake crying.
"Your such a drama queen ashlyn, we haven't even gotten to the next year, we're in the month of September for Christ sakes"
Jimin said.

"But even so school is still school,
and I hate it. This school can kiss my but for all I care. All we got is  mad teachers and some visible classes. Although some teachers are nicer than others in this school. But even so its still re-" ashlyn was-as usual-cut off by her teacher.

"Ms. Ashlyn, class is in session now listen", the teacher said with a smile. "Yes ma'am" she said now focused.

"I still wonder why you never get in trouble with all that loud talking you do", Jimin whispered with a chuckle."I still wonder why you can't get a boyfriend with that fat ass of yours, but wait, you want an education first, don't you?" She said smirking, making Jimin feel very defeated.

As that settled down they went on to there lesson.

#At the end of school#

"Hey kookie, can I borrow your notes, I wasn't listening in class because I was doing some other work" Ashlyn said whining. "Sure, but in return help me with my homework please?" Jungkook asked.

"Why don't you ever ask me?" Namjoon said. "because, your strict and boring, besides ashlyn explains stuff better.", Jungkook said. Feeling a bit offended, namjoon let it go.

After ashlyn accepted his deal, Taehyung asked if he could speak with Jungkook in private before everyone left.

You see, ever since everyone found out he cross dressed. Jungkook seemed to be the one that really supported him making him feel something inside that he just had to let out.

"What is that you need taehyung?" Jungkook said with his famous bunny smile. "Um-I, wanted to tell you......", Tae, feeling already embarrassed, had to calm himself after he had a sec, he got himself together.

Taehyung gathered all his courage, "Thank you so much for being such a great friend you've really been there for me since the incident so I baked you this cake, i-its lemon flavored." He said with one whole breath showing the cake he had hidden in his bag.

"N-" Ashlyn about to yell out, was held back by Jimin with his hand over her mouth. "Shh. Are you trying to get us cau-Ow!"ashlyn had bit his hand.

As those two some how didn't get caught trying to listen to the conversation. Jungkook was in a shocked state. He thought his crush was finally gonna confess his feelings but was totally wrong. After a moment Jungkook recomposed himself and thanked Taehyung for the cake, going back to the others to say there goodbye's.

Jungkook had decided to get a ride from Jimin so he had to deal with him and ashlyns bickering until they arrived at jungkook's house.

# Jungkook's house #

"Thanks for coming over Ashlyn" Jungkook said as he went into the kitchen to grab them a snack.

"You should confess first you know" Ashlyn said getting straight to the point "Tae is an innocent boy, he also can be very clueless as well. You have too take the first step." Ashlyn knew that Jungkook didn't need any help with homework the boy was very smart he didn't need help rarely, this was definitely about taehyung.

Jungkook had lowered his head down, "I know but I like the way things are now.....This way I won't have a broken heart if he doesn't accept me. Ashlyn.......I'd be devastated." Jungkook had put the snacks on the table and laid his head on her lap while she patted his head.

Jungkook just wanted to feel loved by taehyung in a romantic way. He wanted to kiss his soft skin and caress him gently as he said sweet nothings into his ear. Treat him like a baby and buy him everything he wanted.

Ever since that day in his 8th grade year, when he met him.
Thats all he wanted.

" It's going to be okay, tae wouldn't admit it but he has a little crush on you-I know it, I mean not a lot of people bake a cake for someone just to say thank you. I wouldn't anyways, too lazy", making Jungkook laugh a little they decided to watch some TV and eat there snack.

"Hey kookie~" Ashlyn said with an innocent face. "No", Jungkook had said still look at the TV. He knew ashlyn was going to ask for a pair of his Bluetooth earplugs. She always broke hers, you could say she was the clumsiest person in the group, and thats definitely saying something. "Hmf! Fine" she said pouting.

After the show they were watching was over, it was getting dark and Ashlyn had to go. Jungkook decided to get his family's driver to take her home, but before she left she said some encouraging words.

"Remember, just go for it, taehyung would accept your love. Just do it. Have confidence kookie, you better do something by tomorrow, Bye!" Ashlyn said getting into the car.

As jungkook waved goodbye, he realized she was right, its been a couple of years since Jungkook had these feelings in him. I mean he did want to stop the stalking......... and killing.

Jungkook had killed a couple of people for hurting taehyung. The only one he felt sorry for was the murder of Hoseok's father, but the rest-just people who he killed without a care.

If he confessed tomorrow and everything turned out right. He would stop his stalking and killing for good and of course never tell about his little hobby.

But if everything goes wrong. He might do somethings he would definitely regret.......

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