Chapter 1

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Jacks pov

The last 4 years have been an absolute blessing. They have been my favourite years by far that I have been alive.

Me and Rose both have a passion for the arts. Me with my artwork and shop and Rose with her acting. I am so proud of how far she has come along. She made the decision to be a actress when the twins were six mouths old. It's hard to believe after tonight that I will have a big movie star wife. With a big fancy movie premiere all just for her.

Everything was as it should be. And it was perfect. Life couldn't get much better then it already is. Rose is 7 weeks pregnant with our third child! My shop is successful and Roses career has just taken off. The twins were always happy dancing around and wanting to help out. This was the life I wanted. This is the life I dreamed about.

Roses pov

I was in the bathroom trying to get my dress and corset on as best as I possibly can. "Jack!", I yelled out to call him trying to clip the steams of my dress together. He then entered then bathroom.

"Oh here let me help Rose", he then went behind me and started to do up my corset.

"No too tight Jack", I told him so it wouldn't suffocate me or the baby I was carrying.

"Like that?", he said.

"Yes that's perfect Jack thank you", I then pulled over my dress. He then helped my pat it down.

"I think people are going to love you", he said with his hands wrapped around my waist placed where baby Dawson No.3 was growing inside. "I know they will", we then kissed.

"Mommy! Daddy help!", Lilly barged in on us. "I don't know what to wear", me and Jack just smiled at her. She was so adorable that we were unable to resist.

She then leads us to her and Jackson room, which was a pigsty with their toys and clothes everywhere. On the floor on the bed. Jackson stood there struggling to get his shirt on.

"Don't worry I've got him", Jack said as he went over and assisting him getting changed. I then went digging for a pretty dress for Lilly to wear to the premiere. I then placed her pastel pink dress on. She looked like a princess. With her curly red hair, light tanned skinned and her blue eyes.

"There you go. What about this one?", I asked her. Because this was the third dress I had tried on with her, before I told her to try and look for one herself while I was getting ready.

"I love you mommy", she said as she embraced me with a big hug. With her red curly locks bouncing up and down excitingly.

"Awwwww I love you too sweetie"

Jacks pov

I then placed Jacksons shirt on and did up his white buttons. He looked down to me with his gold curly hair and chubby little cheeks. And of course my smirk that I gave him.

"What are they daddy?", he asked pointing at his buttons I was doing up.

"They are called buttons", I said continuing to do them up as he stood still continuing to look. "There you go", I said finishing them, "high five", I said putting my hand up. He just looked and smiled and hit it as hard as he could, "oooooo thats a good one", I said after he hit it. He then gave me a cuddle and then I kissed him on the head. He then ran out of the room with Lilly. Me and Rose then walked out of their room to hear the voices in the bathroom.

"Jackson what are you doing with that brush?", I said. Jackson then cheekily giggled I then picked him tickling him pretending to bite him.

"Here Lilly let me help you with you hair", Rose walked over tackling our daughters red curly hair that she had been blessed with. They both looked at us. I then put Jackson down and he ran away cheekily.

"You ready to go?", the girls then both nodded and we walked out of the bathroom, only to see Jackson running around in circles and then slamming into the couch making explosion sounds. Lilly then let go of Roses hand and started to play along and giggle with Jackson. Me and Rose then headed towards the door. They then hopped off the floor and followed.

We then stood at the back of the shop because we could hear the flashing sounds of the paparazzi. We knew that we couldn't take Jackson and Lilly with us. It was no environment for children. We had to smuggle them in. Rose wanted all of us to be there to support her. Even if it means breaking the rules. But we have done so already, four years ago.

"Ok Lilly, Jackson. I want you to listen to me very carefully. Where were going you not aloud to go. But Mummy and Daddy are breaking the rules for you tonight. See. You can't be seen right now. So you have to be hidden"

"Like hide en go seek daddy?", Jackson said.

"Yes. Exactly like that. So your hiding spot is going to be under Mummy's dress. Just until we reach the car. Ok?", they then nodded.

"Then what about the carpet daddy?" , Lillian asked.

"We'll tell you in the car ok. Now just try and walk along with mummy and keep you heads down", then then both hopped under Rose dress while I looked for any bumps. They just giggled. "And be quiet. And don't annoy mummy under there", Rose just smiled and raised an eyebrow at me. We then practiced walking slowly towards the door. I then opened the door to walk out to see people blocking our path to car and making us go blind. I would love to be where the twins are. No camera flashes and people in your face yelling at you. We then made it to the car. Rose then half hopped in and waited for Jackson to hop out of her dress, while Lilly was at the train. I then blocked the parps from seeing what was going on. Rose the fully entered the car with Lilly still hiding in the remaining dress while Jackson quickly dove under for cover. Covering himself. We then sped off and the twins came out.

Me and Rose laughed at them. Their hair was like an afro created from rubbing against Roses dress. We then picked them up onto our laps and tried to fix them up as best as possible as we we're a few minutes out from the red carpet.

"Ok Dawson's listen up! I'm going to get out of the car first then you Lilly and Jackson will hop out next and stand beside me while your mother gets out. We will then walk up the red carpet together as a family and pose and wave to photographers ok?", our car then pulled up the very beginning of the red carpet. Let the show begin.

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