Chapter 26

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*3 weeks later on Thursday*


Molly Browns Pov

"Oh hello Ruth! What a nice surprise to see ya!", I greeted her with a hug as she stood on my front doorstep. Oh boy! I hope she doesn't stay too long. Jack, Rose, and the kids will be over soon.

"Likewise", she said very monotone. Well someone hasn't changed in four years. Or forever I shall say. She then entered and walks through my house and welcomed herself to sit down. Evil serpent/witch.

"So what's going on Ruth?", I sat across from her as she sat patiently fiddling around with the thistles in the pillow.

"Well if you must know, Calendon threw me out of the house cause we are loosing the court case", she tried to avoid my eyes and continued playing with them.

"Wh.. What court case?", I took a drink from my servant and took a sip.

"You know the one. Jack and Rose. I know they've probably told you about it", she did the same thing with her serpent eyes looking at me.

"And what makes you think that?", she then immediately got up and looked out of the window to my garden hedge and small fountain in the middle.

"Well nothing really. It's something that doesn't need to be talked about", she walked away taking a sip of her martini.

"Then what did you come to talk to me about Ruth?", she then went quiet.

"I need you to do me a favour", she turned to me and looked at me for the first time she's been in my house.

"And whats that?"

"Calendon kicked me out of the house. So.. I was wondering if I could stay with you for the time being. I know I don't normally ask for favours. But Cal is losing terribly", she spoke fastly.

"Oh it's alright you can stay here Ruth darling", oh no what have I done.

"Rel..really?", she trembled putting her empty glass on the tray.

"Of course. We're friends. That's what friends are for", I came up with the most shitty reason possible to let this wrench live in my house.

"Yes you're right. BRING IN MY BAGS!", she yelled as men began trailing in with all her luggage.

"What in the world?", I stood up as two men brought all of Ruth's luggage inside.

"Well I'm moving in. Is that a problem?", I stood still traumatised of what situation I had created.

"Madam your bags have been moved. Now for the bill..-"

"You will fax it to Calendon Hockley and tell him that I am staying at the Browns house", she signed the paper. He then nodded and drove away not taking her with them. I nodded at my servants who were on standby and escorted Ruth and her luggage up to her room. Oh boy.

*a few hours later*

Jack and Roses car pull up. Oh shit I completely forgot about the twins coming over to stay. And Ruth! Oh no, this is gonna end bad for everyone. The children immediately jumped out of the car and ran to me.

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