Chapter 29

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Ruth's pov

Over the next few weeks Rose came in and out of court cause of her pregnancy. But now she rarely comes. I wouldn't come if I was bloated as big as a whale. What a disgrace. And to be the last person to stand and sit down. No thank you. Rose was like that when I was pregnant with her. She was a big girl. Always has been.

Rose and the rest of Dawson's then rocked up. She is almost as big as a horse. How long till she drops now?

Roses pov

Sitting in court effected my energy levels. I felt like collapsing into an endless sleep. I then rested my head on Jacks shoulder while Jackson rested on him as well. And Lillian rested on me already asleep like her older brother. This sucks. This is so boring. I just want to go back home and rest in my own bed. I stroked Lilly's red curls like my own.

"Jack I need to go the bathroom", I told him as I gently patted Lilly to wake up and move over. I then picked myself up and went to the bathroom hoping to wake up. Everyone looked at me as I left the room silently judging. But when a pregnant women needs to go. She needs to go. I can't keep it in. And I can't  hold it in especially towards the end. You've got to go otherwise you will wet yourself. And we don't want that in the court room now do we?

I then came back and sat down for another 30 minutes as it continued to drag on. Both the kids were still asleep and Jack had dark bags under his eyes. The hammer then sounded. Making me and Jack jump waking us up.

"Court will commence in 2 weeks!", the judge boomed. As people started to move and talk we gently shook the twins to wake up.

"Meerrrr", Lilly pushed my hand away grunting, "Is it over now mummy?", Lilly opened her blue eyes.

"Yes. It's all over now darling", I kissed her. She then rested her head on my bump trying very hard not to fall asleep.

"Any luck?", I asked Jack who was trying to wake Jackson.

"Nop. I'm just going to carry him out", he then stood up and picked him up. He squirmed but he was floppy. Lilly was very tired and drowsy.

"Mummy can you carry me like daddy is?", she asked.

"No. And you know I can't", I disappointed her. She then continued to hold my hand and drag behind walking in opposite directions like she is drunk. Many people gave us looks in the streets. But they haven't been what we've been through. Not having any night sleep from, stressing, drawing, or the children. I then picked her up as her legs went over my bump and her head in my shoulder, "shhhhhhh", I held her closely as she gracefully fell asleep.

We then all got home and Jack put Jackson and Lillian to bed as they were already out. I then took off my shoes from my swollen fat ankles. I managed and got myself into bed. Jack then joined me a little while later until everyone in the Dawson household woke up feeling revived and refreshed.

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