Chapter 34

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Roses Pov

A few weeks after my mothers, Cal, and Lovejoy's trail and being locked up in prison. Jack forced me to go and visit my mother to possibly clear things up with her. Jack politely nudged me out of the house grabbing my bag  as I stood their frozen in shock wanting to yell and scream at him to see that women again. But every time I wanted to do that one of the kids came running in.

I walked the streets alone with my stomach in nots fiddling around with a piece of string in my hands. I'm awfully nervous, my anxiety grew as I walked along the prisons cement grey wall. Taking a deep breath entering the prison giving up everything I had on me. I followed a guard and he lead me to an outdoor courtyard.

Well of course you are nervous Rose. You're standing here in a courtyard  when your meant to be sitting down relaxing. I looked up the wall that stands 10X higher than me, making it cold and dark with the only air flow on the cold streets that swoops in over the grey walls. As if my mother could stay here for 13 years to serve her sentence, yet alone meet me after the trial for what she did to me, Jack, and the children.

"Rose", she walked out staring at me taking me off guard, "take a seat", she told me jestering to run down table. I then sat down quickly saying nothing tapping my leg, "no Jack or the children?", she asked.

"Ah no", I responded.

"Not even the baby?", she wanted to know.

"I don't think it's good to bring a newborn baby to a prison in its first few weeks", I answered back to her as she nodded her head.

"So why did you come here then? Are you getting bored of Jack? The children bothering you? Why did you come to see me Rose?", she pressed hard on her last question.

"Well I thought it would be nice to see where you're staying for the next 13 years. To see what your accommodation is like", I lightly joked with her, "plus this wasn't my idea. It.. It was Jacks", I mumbled to say. I know she hates him. Despises him and the children. You can just tell, her feelings towards him haven't changed in four years.

"Is that all Rose? Or do you have something else to tell me?", she asked rudely clearly wanting me to leave as soon as possible. Luckily she doesn't have a cup of tea to have a sip of in front of me.

"Why all this? Why Cal? Why couldn't you accept the fact hat I love Jack?! Even now you continue to go on. You know we have more money and power then him and you at the moment right? And yet you still play this game like you don't even know us. Like we don't even exist. And don't get me started when your around the children! Oh god. Is that a different side of you. So enlighten me mother. Why?!", she sat their quietly looking across from me as I did the same to her. But I am hungry and want her answer.

"You want the truth. Here it is. Your father did nothing but ignore me my whole life. Even when you were born he didn't spend time with me. It was you! You were meant to bring us together. Instead you drove us apart. You father didn't have enough love to go round. So what did he do? He gave it all to his little girl. And what does he do to his wife when he dies? Well, he brings out a pile of papers and removers! You know how much he took from me! You were there! You saw people take our stuff cause he did bad business deals. And I know why he did it Rose. It was to pay me back", she said sharply and harshly to herself. I know her and father didn't get on well. I know he spent no time with her. He never took her away like me on his business trips. I always thought that she didn't want to go, that she would rather stay behind and sit and gossip with her friends. After all that is more her leisure and type.

"Well no wonder why he left you with all bad debts. Cause of the way you are acting now", I said coldly to her knowing that it was the truth, "how does link with Jack and me? ", I wanted her to answer the next part of the question.

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