Chapter 20

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Jacks Pov

*a week later*

Today was the first day of the court hearing. Who knows what will happen in the end. Who knows if Cal will bribe his way through. But one things for sure. He's going up against the newly rich, and richest people of New York. And we all know something or everything about him about what he's done, and what he's like.

"Alright Jackson while your there you'll going to be absolutely still and silent. Can you do that for me?", I looked into my sons handsome chubby face.

"Aye aye sir", he did the army sign. I did the same thing and smiled.

"Good boy", I patted him on the shoulder. He then ran into his room ready to go. I then walked into the bathroom to see Lilly sitting on a chair playing with her doll, while Rose is sitting on the edge of the bath tub doing her hair. It is a sight for sore eyes. Roses hair was down and left her natural curls. She wore a blue dress capturing the shape and size of her belly. Lilly sat there in a cream white dress and stockings playing with her doll in her hands. Rose continued to style her hair and curls until she was done.

"Thank you mummy", Lilly said sweetly giving Rose a kiss on the lips before running away. They both just had the brightest smiles on there faces. I want another girl now. I leaned on the door watching Rose fix herself up in mirror. Jackson then barged in.

"Mummy I want my hair done too please", he said so happy and hopeful. We both just laughed.

"Don't be silly Jackson. You're a boy. Plus your hair seems perfect to me", she stroked the top of it. Entwining her fingers in some of his curls. While he just put his head on Roses stomach and listened.

"The baby is kicking mummy its kicking!", he yelled excitedly before he wrapped his arms Roses belly, "I'm your big brother", he spoke into Roses belly speaking to his younger sibling. 

"I think it's time to go", she waddled up to me with Jackson still attached and kissed me.

"Daddy!", Lillian ran and jumped into my arms.

"Ah there's my little princess", I carried her kissing her all over making her laugh like her older brother.

"But mommy I want to play and talk  with it", Jackson exited the bathroom holding Roses hand.

"You can and you will. The baby will be here in mummy's tummy to talk to. When it's born you can play and talk with it all you want"


"Yes really", she stroked his cute chubby cheek, "now are you coming up like Lilly or not?", Rose asked him as I held Lilly in my arms. He then jumped and Rose picked him up.

"Hehe mummy I'm above the baby",

"Yes you are", she kissed him on his forehead. We then started to walk to the court house.

Roses pov

"Jackson mummy needs to put you down. You're hurting the baby", I then slipped him down and he held my hand.

"How did I hurt the baby mummy? Is it ok?", he started to become sad.

"The baby is fine Jackson. It just needs some room that's all", I told him. But he was still saddened that he hurt his unborn sibling, "hey when we get to the court room maybe you can talk to it and say sorry. Maybe even play with it", I told him. There's his infamous smile I waited to see. "Is that a yes?", he then nodded and wildly, "that's good. Because I think that baby has some things to say to you", I told him as the child was starting to kick wildly.

"Like what mummy?", he asked.

"Ummm like that ice cream you chose. I know it really loved that. Maybe you can suggest more flavours and the ones you like most" , he then nodded and grinned wider again.

"Can I talk to it to mummy?", Lilly asked still being carried by Jack.

"Of course. Everyone can talk to the baby. It makes it very happy. I know daddy talks to it in bed and when you two aren't around", I smiled at Jack who smiled back at me.

"You do daddy?", Lilly faced Jack in the face.

"Every night", he told her. We then arrived at the court house. Here we go.

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