Chapter 21

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Jacks pov

We walked in to see Mary and Joseph with Peter on one side playing in the wooden seats. With Cal, Ruth, and Lovejoy on the other with all the people they hired to testify against us.

"Hey", Mary greeted us with a kiss on he cheek holding her youngest son Alexander, "how are you two going?"

"Well thank you", as the twins ran over play with Peter.

"How's he going hey?", I lifted Alexander from his mothers arms.

"Great. I guess he is Alexander the great", Joseph joked. I then handed him back over to his mother.

"Well in a few months you'll have another one. Same size as him. How far to go Rose?", Mary asked.

"Oh still a couple to go yet. I've just hit 6 months a couple of days ago. So still a while", Rose responded to her question.

"Is it much lighter then carrying two children Rose?", Mary asked.

"Yes. In a way yes. I'm just naturally taking my time with this one. Just taking it easy. But at the end of it all we'll see. We'll see if I can get out of bed for starters", she joked. Mary then eyed a particular person as he walked in. Rose also saw it.

"Who are you staring at?", I asked as her eyes were still following him in the distance.

"Nathan Hockley. Cals father", Joseph swallowed with his eyes trailing him.

"He's probably here to pay Cals way out. I knew it wasn't wise to bring the children", Mary said worryingly to Joseph.

"Now now Mary everything is going to be fine. This time we have the upper advantage with our money. Don't we Dawsons", he said with a wink to me trying to calm Mary down. The court hammer then sounded.

"The court will now take their seats!", the judge yelled.

"Jackson! Lilly!", we called out to them as they came running to us, "court is about to start", I pointed to where we were seating. They then happily ran while I took Roses hand, "do you even know Cals father?", I asked as me and Rose walked over while the twins sat in their seats.

"I've never met him. I was meant to meet him in New York when the Titanic docked. But that never happened did it", she then sat in the middle between the twins with our hands still clasped together.

"No. But fate had something far much better in store for us", I leaned in and kissed her squashing our daughter.

"Mummy! daddy!", she tried to weave through and break us apart. She basically suffocated with her light tan cheeks a shade of red. I just smiled at my daughter stroking her red curly hair. Jackson then quenched to Roses stomach peaking around the corner to see what's going on.

"What's wrong Jackson? You missing out on all the fun", i pulled Lilly onto my lap and tickled her. He just smiled and ducked behind Roses stomach. She just looked at me as she stroked our sons golden curly hair.

"Court may rise", someone's voice boomed. I then took Lilly off my lap and placed her beside me. The judge then walked in.

"Please be seated", he told us, "Mr Hockley. You have a number of crimes pinned against you. How to you plead?"

"Not guilty your honour", he stood up booming his voice out to the world.

"It says here that you took hostage Rose Dawson on her premiere night with her family. The report also reads that she was 2 months or 8 weeks pregnant at the time with her and Mr Dawson third child, and that you locked him up on charges that he did not commit", he read out file that we wrote together, "we have Mr and Mrs Calvert, Mary and Joseph here today in this case. Testifying on the Dawson's behalf, with some documents here of you. Saying that you went on a rampage to get Mary back only ending in you being put in jail, and put in an metal institution as well as drugs and alcohol", Cal then tried to open his mouth about to say something "uh uh uh. Before you say your guilty or not I know you are cause I have all your court filings here, as well as your records from all the institutions you went to and progress that they keep track of. So without further or do. I would like to call Rose Dawson to the stand", Rose trembled at the sound of her name being called.

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