Chapter 28

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Jacks pov

Me and Rose got up early in the morning like the twins. We got them changed and ready and were just about to walk out the door

"Jack? Rose? Why you leaving in a hurry?", Molly stopped us. Rose and the twins then got into the car.

"Daddy can we draw when we get home?", Lilly asked.

"Sure sweetheart", I replied.

"Can you fill me in", Rose said as her funny art joke. Molly laughed.

"Hahahaha I get that one. That's good"

"Yeah well I'm not a fan", was my response.

"Oh of course!", she continued to crack up. I then slowly exited and entered the car.

"Can you *laughs* fill *laughs* me in *laughs*", we then drove away.

Molly pov

I then calmed down and walked inside shutting the big front door behind me.

"Did Jack and Rose just leave?", Ruth stopped midway on the staircase.


"And the children as well?"


"Well isn't that a pleasant surprise", she said harshly.

"Well what do you expect Ruth? To be welcomed into the family straight up", she just laughed.

"Oh of course not. Jack and Rose know I don't accept then together and their children, so they go far away", she sipped on water.

"And what about it Ruth?", I wanted her to get out if my house.

"Oh you were there Molly. You saw it first. You lent Jack that suit for Christ sake so he could fit in! Of course Rose would go out with a handsome cheeky boy her age. Instead of Cal. And oh! Don't get me started on the topic about him lately. He basically pushed Rose into the arms of Dawson cause he didn't even care. He let her run off with him. Then that STUPID NAKED DRAWING OF HER SHOWED UP! After we told her not to see him. But that day something in Roses mind changed. She deceived me in every way possible. She made me very disappointed. And to come out pregnant on top of that made it worse then it already is. And I know it wasn't Roses fault for Calendons action. But she was a child. Running below decks, getting drawed nude, the sex, she got it all. She got it all from him. And what a time she had! She never wanted to come back. Was always off with the fairies at the table or was with him. She wasn't anywhere else on the ship!"

"Well maybe Rose felt lonely Ruth darling. Every women knows that. Besides Rose didn't have any friends on that ship. Only women our age to talk to. She couldn't talk about that stuff with Cal. With Jack he would understand what she is going through. And would gladly help her out"

"So your saying that I wasn't being a supportive parent of her and watching over her? Oh believe me I was", she was fed up with the conversation and sat down. I then left the conversation there.

Breakfast was very awkward. Ruth and me just sat eying each other at the table eating. I'm going to need some tips from Rose to stand this women. Or get tips from Jack and Rose to get her out of my life. But she needs friends more than ever now. Rose never had any. Always was ripped apart before she knew. A few of us helped her like George Pittsburg, but it wasn't enough in some ways. Rose liked getting to know people, their background/story. First class parties weren't like the normal 3rd class party's that were fun. Rose never got that much fun. But she longed for it. So she grabbed onto the first chance she had it. Jack.

Jack changed Rose for the better. He has shown her wonders and what the world is truly like. Shes got everything she wanted and is never pressured. She gets to zoom in and out of society like a ghost. And the spotlight is never constantly on her or her family. She is free. She is happy. She is loved. That's all a girl in this world wants.

Roses Pov

On the way we got breakfast and at home we pulled out our art books for our lesson.

"You've got to cross hatch lines here see", Jack showed us how to do. He then went over to Jackson sketch pad before Lilly's, "that's good that's good", he did minor things to them, "Rose?", he came over and sat beside me while I showed him mine.

"Wow! The stern of Titanic aye", he reacted just looking at it in amazement.

"You took me flying" , he kept staring at it to see where everything is.

"Yeah I remember. But you came to me", he put his arm around me.

"And I don't regret that for a second", I then pecked his lips, "just look at them Jack", I put the book down to see the twins sitting next to each other helping each other out.

"And to think we're going to have another soon", Jack rubbed my tummy.

"Daddy?", Lilly called. Jack then got up and left. I then flicked back over to my drawing of Jack helping the children.


I was half asleep as Jack was flicking through some paper work.

"Rose?", he asked.

"Mmm hmm", I answered not wanting to change my position.

"Did you draw this?", I then rolled over to see Jack holding my drawing of him and the kids.

"Yes. But it's not finished. You weren't meant to see it yet"

"No. No this.. this is amazing. I think the kids got their art skills from you", he smiled sitting beside me.

"No. I married an artist. Doesn't mean I am one"

"Yeah but your an actress. That counts", he then hovered over me laying down. He then started to kiss me before I started to giggle.

"I think we should get some rest", he stopped giving hickeys on my neck, "you should to Jack. Your a busy man. Besides we had a big night last night. And the children", my fingers trailed down his neck. He just smirked. And kissed me.

"Alright", he then got comfortable and punched his pillow and laid down beside me. He then came over and cuddled me breathing in my scent of my hair and body, "good night Rose", we then drifted off to sleep.

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