Chapter 14

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Roses Pov

After all the guests left I went to the after party in the basement to celebrate with all the servants.

"And I win", I placed my cards down having a smoke, "that's right. Hand all your money in", I then started to grab the flying change.

"Argh you win again Rose", A servant named Andrew said frustratingly. "How did you even learn to play so well. You beat all of us guys", I then started to count it all.

"Luck of the draw I guess", I stirred them up.

"Oh come on", Christopher called out, "who taught you then?"

"Well as at young age I was always around casinos, smoking rooms, and the roluet table. I always watched and observed them playing", I then took another puff of the cigarette.

"Liar. Even thou you were probably around them all the time. 1. Your mother won't let you. 2. How could you sneak in without getting noticed. 3. How could a young child even remember all that?", they then all called me out for blushing.

"Alright! Alright! It was Jack. He taught me. I watch him play every time we go to bar or casino. He won his ticket for Titanic in a lucky game of poker. A very lucky game!", they all seemed interested still. I then took skulled down the rest of my glass of water. "Well I need another drink", I then exit my seat before someone else sat down at it.

I then stood up and talked to Laura and the other maids before the door came crashing down.

"ROOSSEEEE!", Cal roared, "your nothing but a spoilt little brat. A whore more like. You think you can throw this party under my roof? Under my laws! Just so you can built your support network of a web of lies!!!", he raised his voice at me. Everyone was scared. He has had to much to drink.

"Your nothing but a big famous slut! That's who you are! You made that choice long ago that got yourself knocked up. You know I could of pressed charges but I didn't. But now I have the power and ability to send him off to war to be killed. Considering the great lengths you went to spread shit from your mouth. I ought to send him to war this INSTANT! Your nothing but an ungrateful bitch! Your mother has known that for years. And now I have to discover the truth this way. I'm not going to made a fool of Rose. Not like Titanic. This time it is going to be you. You and your family. I'm going to show the world what a pack of rats you all are. And I'll start with the man named Jack. Dawson", he then let out his last breath in front of me and walked out. Nobody said a word.

"Come on Rose don't listen to him", Laura rubbed me back.

"DONT! Touch me. I've failed Laura. I've failed Jack and the twins. Jack will soon be dead and the only hope of me seeing the twins again is when I will work. Which I doubt will happen very often cause of Cal", they each gave me a sad face showing their lips and tears, "good night everybody. I hope you all had a great time", I then walked out of the basement and into the house straight ink my room. I then locked the door and broke myself down in tears. My plan had failed.

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