Chapter 27

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Jacks Pov

Dinner finished at 9:30 so me and Rose decided to pick up the twins from Molly's place. Rose is extremely warn out and tired. All she did was lay down and rest in the car on me. She needs rest in her own bed.

"Jack, Rose you're here early", we stumbled through the front door of Molly Brown house.

"Well dinner finished sooner than we expected so we thought it might be easier to get the twins and take them home to their own beds", I put my arm around Rose incase of any need for support.

"Well the twins have been out for quite awhile now. And Rose my dear, you need some sleep look at you. A pregnant woman can't keep on the go all day and night. Sit. Sit", she forced Rose to sit who almost crashed as she sat on the couch. I sat down beside her as she laid on my shoulder humming 'Come Josephine In My Flying Machine'.

"Molly what are you doing up? I thought you were-", Ruth came down the stairs. Rose basically had passed out and fell asleep on my shoulder. I just sat and stared glaring up at Ruth, "Mr Dawson I didn't know you were here. And being up so late", Ruth raised her voice a little making Rose stir waking her up rubbing her eyes.

"", she unblinded her vision as Ruth then remained quiet and poised in her position staring at the both of us.

"I thought you'll be at dinner", she walked hastily down with her hand gliding down the cream rail.

"We were. But it finished early", I responded clear and quick. Before she even entered the room fully where we were all in. She eyed the room quietly cutting down all suitable conversations. Not even Molly could say anything with her around, Ruth would always gossip.

"I'm getting something to eat", Rose broke the tension and silence slowly getting up stumbling a bit backwards.

"Whoa", I stood up with my arms catching her, "are you alright?", I put my hands round her belly as she regained her balance.

"I'm fine. Just tired", she was slow moving rubbing her eyes again. She then left my arms and went into the kitchen making me feel empty and useless as Ruth stared at me. The fridge door opened knowing like Rose, this was my chance to escape an incredibly awkward conversation. I then broke the staring eye contest and went to see what Rose was up to.

"What ya doin?", I walked up behind her and wrapped my hands around her belly while she was eating a tub of ice cream. "So this is where Jackson gets his love of ice cream from huh", Rose cheekily smiled and giggled digging her head into mine. As I swarmed and overran her with kisses making her laugh.

"Oh stop it Jack", she escaped my grasp, "here", she gave me a spoonful before taking another spoonful for herself before putting the tub back. "Let's go outside", Rose turned round taking my hand and leading me out the back door. "Look how clear the sky is", her eyes marvelled at it as the stars twinkled so clearly.

"You want to sit down by that tree over there", I pointed to a big willow tree that had a clearing so Rose could see the stars. She nodded silently still taking in her surroundings. We walked over holding hands and laid beside each other and star gazed.

"Look that one looks like a lion", she pointed to with her hand, while the other one rested on her stomach where the baby was kicking.

"I guess", I said not really seeing it, "look that one looks like a triangle", I joked and played around with her.

"They all can make up triangles silly", she hit me as I had my head back and relaxed.

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