Chapter 22

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Jacks Pov

We exited the court room and walked around the city for the rest of the day to get our mind off things. We got ice cream,went to a book store, hopped dress shops. We then made it to Central Park. The twins then ran off into the distance and started to play in the playground. I just looked at them and pulled out my notebook and started to draw. 30 minutes to an hour Rose came back with afternoon tea. The twins then ran back and we all sat on the bench eating sandwiches.

"Mummy, Daddy do we have to go to court tomorrow?", Lilly asked.

"Why?", I took a bite of my sandwich.

"It's so boring", Jackson slouched on the back of the seat.

"Well if you two don't want to go. Maybe Aunt Molly Brown can take care of you", I gave a suggestion to them.

"Yeah!", they cheered. We then spent the rest of the day wondering about in the city before we went off to dinner then home.

"Lillian and Jackson are fast asleep now", I plunked myself on the fold out bed from the couch. Rose then sat on the end of the bed not moving, "why what's wrong?", I asked Rose. She had been awfully quiet ever since court. I know why.

"Rose..-", I moved closer to her, "don't persecute yourself too much. That's what they want. They wanted to destroy you up there. Make you look and feel like a terrible person. Which you're not", I stroked her soft beautiful face.

"I know. It's just so hard. I don't want to hurt you. I feel like I did up there answering that one question", she began to cry.

"No. No you can't do anything to hurt me. Only the people who hurt me and my family hurt me. Listen, he is only doing this to break us apart. We just have to be strong Rose", I turned to make her face me.

"Oh Jack",

"Don't worry. Next week it won't be like this. This is just getting the story straight. Then we will get into the prosecution", I explained to her.

"How do you make bad things so good all the time Jack? How do you do it?", she wiped away her tears.

"I just stay optimistic. There is always a good and bad side to things. You just choose which side and you focus on more. But what you should be really thinking is. How will this change me? What is the point to all this? How will it change others? Is it for good? If so, what can you see? Happy smiling faces? Cause that's what you want. That's what I want", I pulled back a red curl of hers, "just don't worry about it. It's not that bad", I kissed her forehead.

"I just don't want it to drag on for to long. The baby will be here sooner then we think", she drawed mini circles on her stomach trying not to cry.

"Yeah I know. I know", I put my hand and moved it around. Till Rose put it on the exact spot. It then kicked. Making us both just smile, "hey", I got on my knees and started to talk to it, "it's your daddy Jack here. Ummm just stay in there. We have a few adult issues we need to sought out. But they're really boring. So you can just sleep as much as you want. That would be great for mummy at the moment cause shes really worried about it. But then you have my permission to give her a wake up call. Cause sometimes your brother and older sister need help with that. But we can all do that together cause we're a team. A family. I love you very much either though you're not here. I know your mummy, Lilly, and Jackson feel the same way", I then gave it a big fat kiss. I then kept one hand on her stomach while I kissed her,

"That was beautiful", she complemented me.

"Not as beautiful as you", I said back causing her to break a smile. We then snuggled in bed going off and on each others lips. Till we snuggled into each others arms and fell asleep.

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