Chapter 16

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Roses pov

I got up early trying to still avoid Cal and Ruth. I ate with the servants in the kitchen. I was craving all different types of food.

"So why don't you all get out of here? You obviously hate it", I asked them tucking into a tub of yogurt as well as eating all the left over cakes and food.

"Because it's good money and service. As much as Mr Hockley can be an arse, we can always change his mood by what we cook and present him with", Andrew the head chef spoke up.

"Fair enough reason", Amdrew came over with cake batter that he was making from scratch. I then dipped my finger and taste tested it, "mmmmmmmmm. Lemon flavour", be just smiled before putting it in the oven.

"Mr Hockleys favourite"

"Well I guess that's why he's so sour", I joked making everyone laugh. After spending my whole morning in the kitchen I went to my costume fitting.


"Oh you look marvellous Mrs Dawson", the dressmaker said to me, "but we will need you to get an extra size up. You're  almost bursting out if you steams here", she tried to pin the back together.

"Ow ow ow ow!", I pulled away from her, "you can order me the largest size possible that makes me look skinny. That's the deal. I'm no size eight anymore. I need maturity dresses", I started to get upset.

"Well why didn't you say so?! I completely forgot that baby Dawson no. 3 was tucked underneath there", she patted my belly. She then took off my dress and I stood in front of the mirror in my corset, "there we are dear. Should keep the belly in for as long as you can", she put the new dress on me, "I think Mr Gary will love it!", I then looked at myself in the mirror spinning around and getting a good glimpse of angles.

"It's perfect", all of us girls then laughed. It was then time for the animal to go back into its cage.


In my bedroom I the ran over my script and lines. I yelled and screamed when it told me to. And I pretended to slap someone saying my line. I then continued on.

Cals Pov

I watched Rose perform from her crack in his door. She is amazing! Her fire in those fight scenes. Her words flowing through her mouth. She was born to be a actress. I then leaned on door to much making it creak.

"Who's there?" She stopped and looked at the door.

"Relax its only me sweet pea", I entered the room shutting the door, "oh please continue on", I told her as I took a seat on the bed and watched her.

"Cal. You're distracting me", she informed me getting annoyed.

"Why can't a guy like me watch a beautiful women doing what she loves", she then threw down her script and started to walk out. I then grabbed her arm, "do you want me to run some lines with you? Its a big day for you tommorow filming. Plus talking to yourself is different then talking to a person face to face", she then reluctantly said yes. And of course we started and did the slaps scene a numerous amount of times. As I continued to work with Rose I noticed that she had put on weight. It looks like she eaten too much ice cream, cake and cookies. It looks like pudding. I just sat on the bed continuously watching and thinking about it. It's not moving like fat does. She clearly was not lying.

"So you are really pregnant with Jacks child. You're not lying. You're beginning to show", I pointed to it. Her hands then moved all over her round abdomen.

"Oh! Well I guess I am", she continued to touch and feel. She then walked up to me, "here come feel", she then grabbed my hands a four them on her.

"This.. This feels amazing", my hands circled her abdomen. It was shaping already, "wow"

"You should wait until later when it starts kicking. The twins wouldn't stop. It was like they were always having a punch up fight in there", she continued to feel before going into closet.

"Rose", I stood up, "it's over between us", she then turned around.


"It's over. I'm calling it off. You're with child. You have children of you own and your happy. Plus, it would take a while to get an annulment cause we would have to go to court and all that..-", she then rushed up and squeezed me tightly. She has never ever done that before. I then heard her start to sulk, "hey why are you crying Rose?", I came as close as I've ever been to her face.

"It's just.. it's just my hormones. Plus I will be able to see Jack and the twins again so", she cried wiping her tears, "I should go and and pack", she then went back into the wardrobe again. I then took a look around to see what was on her makeup table that she could take. I checked all the draws and then I fell upon a black wallet. It was her photo album. I then opened it. There I stumbled upon Roses life for the last 4 years. I then started to look at the photos.

The first one was one of the twins as babies cuddled together. The one next to that was of Jack asleep holding both of them in his arms. I then flipped over to see their wedding photo. Them both kissing with Rose in a wedding dress and Jack in a tux. The next photo is funny. It's the one with both Jack and Rose are laughing and smiling while their faces were covered in cake. I then flipped over. It was Jack and Rose standing in Jacks arts shop which they bought together with Rose was heavily pregnant at the time. And then the last one down the bottom said 'first family photo ever' . Rose held both babies in bed and Jack knelt beside her.

I am in tears crying. She has everything. Everything I want. Everything everyone wants. But she has it all. Especially with him. Two kids, rich successful husband, doesn't want him to take all the fame so has her own professional career as well. She is a role model. That's why everyone loves the Dawsons so much. What's not to love about them all?

"Ummm here", I handed it over to her. She then ran back excitedly still packing the rest of her bags. Calming down and gracefully walking back she stretched out before she collapsed on the bed.

"Ahhhhhhhhh", she said just laying there with her pertruding stomach sticking out, "I'll be out by morning", she said as she got amongst the covers, "oh and can you turn the lights out please?", she laid in bed waiting for me to flick the switch.

"Good night Rose", I tuned off the light and walked out.

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