Chapter 23

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Roses pov

*during the night*

We woke to screaming in the twins room. We thought the worst but we barged in there to see Lilly having a nightmare. Jackson tried to calm her down and wake her up. But it was too much for him to handle. He was sitting sobbing in tears not knowing what's going on. We immediately rushed over to her.

"Lilly wake up! Wake up. Wake up WAKE UP!", we gently slapped her face so she would awake out of the nightmare.

"Mummy daddy!", she cried as she awoke. She then threw her arms around Jack continuing to cry.

"It's alright. It was just a nightmare sweetheart. Just a bad dream is all", Jack comforted her. While I hugged Jackson who was traumatised by the situation. "Do you want to tell me an mummy what it was about?", he asked her. She then nodded her head with her fingers in her mouth and streams of tears down her face.

"It.. It was about you and mummy", she mumbled still upset.

"Yeah. What did you see? What happened?", he asked stroking her hair. While I hugged our son in my arms who was sucking his thumb saying nothing.

"You and mummy got taken by a monster and I never got to see you again", she started to cry again. Jack then hugged her again.

"Oh it's ok. It's ok sweetheart. Me and Mummy are here now. So is Jacks. It was just a bad dream is all. A nightmare", he told her again to settle her down, "do you want to sleep in mummy and daddy's bed? Will that make you feel better?", she then nodded, "Ok. Come to daddy. Daddy will take care of you", he picked her up and carried her over to the bed. I lead Jackson out as Jack laid her down trying to get her comfortable. Jackson then jumped in beside her and me and Jack on either side. Yet both fell asleep easily as me and Jack sang lullabies and stroked their heads.

"How do you feel about getting through our child's first nightmare?", Jack whispered across the twins to me.

"Honestly. Scared. I never thought about it. I wasn't allowed to dream as a child. But when I had nightmares my nurses would come in. My father would be near my bed but my mother was either at the door or not there at all"

"I'm sorry", Jackson then flipped over to my side having one hand on the baby. Me and Jack both smiled.

"What about you?", I asked him.

"My mother and father always came in and calmed me down like we just did. The girls was the exact same except I took my mothers place that's all. At least when I think about it I can see their faces more clearly. Cause they were in your face trying to get your eyes open. But I've never just really thought about it since"

"Well there will be more. I'm sure of it", I told him, "good night Jack"

"Goodnight Rose", we then shut our eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Jacks Pov

I awoke to the blazing sun hitting face. I then looked into the bed to see Lilly, Jackson, and Rose sleeping soundly. I then put my head back down to rest. I then saw the clock. Oh shit.

"Everyone get up!", I told them. They all just squirmed with their eyes closed moving around like worms, "get up we're already late!", they then raised their tired wearing heads while I continued quickly to button up my shirt. Rose then caught the clock.

"LILLY! JACKSON! Go to your room and get changed now!", Rose ordered them. They then slowly slid out of bed, "hurry up! We're already late! Court starts at 8 and it is 8! Go go! Go!", Rose then slowly got up and got to the closet and started to skim all through her dresses. Jackson then came out and ran around the living room naked. "Jackson we have no time for stupid behaviour. Now go and get changed", She continued to flick through her clothes.

"I got him", he continued to run around like he was an airplane. I then scooped him up by the legs and carried him across my shoulders into his bedroom. I then quickly pulled out the nicest nearest shirt and pants. But he didn't stay still.

"Jackson please stay..-", then he bolted out of the room again. Lilly was too busy looking around in the wardrobe to see what she was going to wear.

"JACK!", I heard Rose scream at me from the bathroom, "can you please dress your son so he won't go to court naked", she told me while Jackson smiled behind her doing a wee. "Oh no you don't Mr", he tried to run through the small gap between Rose and the door. She then grabbed him and picked him up, "can you make sure he gets dressed", she passed him to me.

"MUMMY! DADDY!", Lilly called out to us.

"Can you deal with her too?", Rose continued to get ready in front of the mirror, I then nodded and walked back into my children's room.

"I can't pick out what to wear", Lilly said frustrated. I then put down her brother. He then quickly tried to run out but I held onto him.

"Well it's quite simple really, pick out what you really like", my advice to her was as I struggled with Jackson trying to shake me off.

"But I can't! It's too hard. I can't choose between these three", she pointed to her bed with a lavender, and two blue dresses neatly laid out on top.

"Choose which one is your favourite like I told you", I tried to settle Jackson down so I could get his shirt on.

"But they're all my favourites", was her excuse.

"Just pick one out it's not that hard", I told her as I was getting frustrated with Jackson.

"I don't want to go!", he stamped his foot and continued to move his head so I couldn't get his head through the hole.

"I know you don't want to go. But you have to, We slept in remember ", I pinned him down to the bed so I could get his underwear and pants on.

"Jack what's going on in here?", Rose asked. As Lily was still deciding what to wear and Jackson got up while I was off guard and ran off again. "Urgh! You deal with her and I'll deal with Jackson", she then went out to round him up. I then crouched down on the bed while Lilly was still trying on clothes.

"Why are you like your mother choosing clothes?", I asked her as she posed trying each of the dresses on.

"Which one daddy?", she asked me sweetly holding them up.

"That one", I pointed, "the lavender one. It's your mummy's favourite colour"

"Jackson! Stay still!", we heard Rose yell as she forced Jacks shirt on him while he was screaming like a baby.

"Jacks being a naughty boy", Lilly commented on his behaviour.

"Yeah he is. Here let me help you", I helped her get undressed before putting her cute dress on. I then made her sit on the bed while I did her hair like I did with both my sisters many years ago.

"JACK! Can you do my dress up for me please?", Rose yelled from in the bathroom. Trying to tighten and close her dress more.

"Here", I walked in and tied her up. While Lilly was trying to find Jackson who was in the closet crying.

"Found you!", me and Rose watched on as she opened the door.

"I DONT WANT TO GO!", he sulked.

"I'll tell you what. After we're done mummy and daddy will do whatever you want", I told him. He then removed his head from his arms.

"Including ice cream?"

"Yes that includes ice cream", He then smiled at me, "come on let's go", I pulled him up off the ground. And wiped all the dust off of him trying to make him look presentable, "there you go buddy. Let's go", We then began our 10 minute power walk to the court house to make our session.

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