Chapter 9

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Roses Pov

I got up early and got changed. I can't wait to see Molly and my babies! I tried to act cool and natural at breakfast but keeping my excitement and joy is so hard. Especially when they have no idea of what going on. A car horn then beeped. I then heard Molly's voice like as if she was far away from me.

"Ah Ruth it's good to see you again", she greeted my mother who was extremely awkward and shocked about her visit, "Cal haven't seen from you in a long time buddy", she cuddled him.

"Likewise Mrs Brown", he addressed her.

"And theres the superstar", she ran up to be giving me a tight squeeze for cuddle and a kiss on the cheek, "how's business going for you and Jack? You must be still making a fortune. And considering your career! You two might become the richest people in the city by now", Molly kept blabbing on and on trying to distract everyone. "Well me and Rose ought to be going", we then made our way onto the driveway before we were stopped.

"Going? Rose?", Cal questioned me.

"Me and Molly are going shopping and having some lunch together. We haven't caught up in ages and this is the only time Molly is free", I lied, "and she came all this way to surprise me with a nice lunch and catchup talk. And your telling me now I can't go?"

"No. I never said you can't go"

"Good then I'm going", I proceed to walk to the car a bit more before being stopped by Cal again

"Not without Lovejoy your not", I turned around to face him with his wicked smile on his face. " take him or stay here. Your choice Rose", I then thought about it.

"Fine. Lovejoy lets go", I then sat down beside Molly and we went to the city. With Lovejoy close behind us in pursuit watching our every move.

Book 2: Never Letting Go Staying StrongWhere stories live. Discover now