Chapter 12

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Roses pov

Everything was set and the guests started arriving. I invited everyone in New York to come. Even George Pittsburg and Molly. I know George will be overjoyed with the news. And he can possibly help me in my search to find Jack. He can be my inside man sneaking around and asking people where he is. I knew this plan would work in one way shape or form.

"Ah! Rose Dawson good to see you again", they each greeted me with as they walked in through the door. But not George.

"Hey! THERES MY GORGEOUS GIRL!", he hugged me and kissed both sides of my cheek, "how have you and your family been Rose? I know you making quite a bit of money", we both walked into the party together, "would you like a dance? A drink?", he gave me options.

"I think a dance would be appropriate at this point in time", he then took my hand and lead me to the dance floor to dance.

"So how and you and Jack been? Pretty smitten I suppose? Especially with your career taking off now"

"Yeah I guess", we danced and talk together.

"And what of the children? How have they been?", he asked about Lilly and Jackson.

"They're good", was all I could say

"Are their any cards out on the table to have more?", I then just looked at him, "what? What is it Rose? Was it something I said?"

"I'm pregnant. Just over seven weeks", I told him before quietly whispering in his ear keeping an eye out for Cal, Lovejoy of my mother, "Cals holding me here hostage. He's taken Jack somewhere"

"And what of the kids?"

"They're fine. I caught up with them two days ago in the city. They don't really know what's going on. They're four! All they know is that and Mommy daddy are being held hostage by an evil man. But still. They're four years old they can't deal with this"

"Well they are still quite young and won't be able to understand. Like the story of how you met Jack. They won't understand. In time Rose they will. Patience is basically a law all parents must have with children. They can take a while", I just nodded at what he was saying. He had two sons and a daughter. So he totally gets it. "Does Cal of your mother know about the pregnancy?"

"No. No they don't. Only you, all the maids and servants, the browns, that are here tonight, me, Jack, and the kids"

"Well then what's all this for then?", he looked down at me. His eyes then widened and looked around at all the surroundings and the people ,"oh Rose", he then paused while I hit smirked, "I can't wait to see the looks on your mum and Cals faces when you tell them"

"No no no. Not tell. Announce. I'm announcing it on the microphone so the whole world can know", he then just smiled and laughed at my deceitful plan that I had set up.

Cals pov

I watched Rose work the dance floor. Wearing her baby blue dress that she bought from the shops. She is so stunning. Laughing, twirling, talking, smiling. How can I not look at her wanting to be mine.

"Ahemmmm", I waited for my turn to dance with my precious Rosebud.

"Of course Mr Hockley", he said kissing Roses hand, "I will catch up with you later on sweetheart", he then kissed her cheek and walked away while she just blushed. I then pulled her in and we started to dance.

I can feel the tension between us. She hasn't not yet looked at me once in the eyes. They have been roaming off somewhere else or someone else.

"This is quite a show you put on Rose.", I positively gave her feedback, "at the start I had my doubts. But otherwise dancing with you makes this all while", I then spun her around. The whole time her face didn't move.

"Well thank you Cal. And can I please be excused? I have a terrible headache I have from spinning around to much", I nodded and escorted off the dance floor making her sit down.

"Would you like anything to drink Rose?", I asked her trying to help her over come this headache.

"No thank you Cal. The main event is on soon and I want to be sober for me speech", I then nodded and walked away letting her be. 30 minutes later the main show began to start.

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