Chapter 13

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Roses Pov

"Give it up for you hostess tonight. Rose Dawson!", the crowd then erupted with an applause when I walked up on stage. Here we go baby.

"Thank you. And thank you for all being here tonight", I started my speech off with, "most of you would know of or heard of my husband Jack. Or seen a few of my pictures that I star in", they then all just chatted amongst themselves, "just a heads up!", I tried to get their attention, "that those of you who have ordered a drawing of his, it will be done in the next coming weeks. Jack is a very busy man. And between us and raising the twins and my career  things can get pushed back slightly. But it's all not to worry", I tried to calm them down again, "on a more positive note", I drawed them back again, "I'M WITH CHILD!", the room then erupted with claps and cheers. I then saw Cal and my mothers faces. They just kept their eyes glaring on me not moving like statutes. While confetti and top hats were rejoicing in the air, "IM SEVEN AND A HALF WEEKS!", I added on to there celebration, "AND IM ALSO DOING ONE MORE FILM! THANK YOU!", people were still going crazy as I came down from the stage. They swamped me saying "congratulations" and patting and applauding me on the back. Some of the older women actually managed to pull me aside and start chatting for me. I then looked over to see my mother who eyes will beaming at me. Once I stared back at her she walked off. My plan had worked. "Excuse me for a moment", I left the group. I walked through the suffocating people who were still celebrating. I then managed to find Laura.

"Laura!", I yelled across the room struggling to push past people. We then immediately hugged.

"Oh you did amazing Rose", she commented on

"Did you see their faces?", I asked laughing

"Of course! You should of seen their faces when everyone threw confetti and their hats in the air. That was the best part", she laughed along with me.

"Oh you should of been up on stage. You could see it all."

Cals Pov

*ruth barges in the door*

"What the hell is going on?! She's with child?!", she screamed at me

"Yes yes. I think the whole world knows about that by now", I tried to joke with her. This is not easy.

"I think Rose is lying", she evilly grinned at me.

"And what if she's not?", I fired right back at her.

"Think about it Calendon. She throws this party and invited everyone to it to tell them her news. So that way everyone will know and support her. Making you unable to marry her", she told me.

"Or we could just say that they fell out of love or Jack did something terrible to her"

"But no one is going to believe that nonsense! Jack is a good person! He would never harm Rose. You can tell they are in love by the way they look at each other!", fuck that hurts knowing that all of that is true. "I'm sorry if I've offended you in any way Calendon. I.. I-"

"No explanation needed. I'm starting to believe your idea"

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