Chapter 4

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Jacks Pov

"I'm sorry sir but with all the traffic I am unable to fetch your car", shit. What am I going to do.

"Listen. I have two 4 year olds and a pregnant wife who are all extremely tired and worn out. I just need my car"

"I'm sorry Mr Dawson. But we can't", I then nodded and walked back to where Rose and the twins were.

"Where's the car?", Rose asked with Lilly and Jackson in each of her hands.

"Change of plans. We have to walk. Because they can't get the car through all of the traffic", I was pissed. There is so much noise and five of us have not yet eaten.

"Well it looks like we will have to walk. I don't mind. I think he fresh air will do us all a bit of good", Rose then walked down the street. I then followed her in pursuit.

Roses pov

We started to walk down the street back to our house. It was two blocks away. Lilly then got tired and fell asleep so I picked her up. While Jackson was entertaining himself trying to step on every crack.

"Daddy pick me up", Jackson said excitedly. Jack then stopped and Jackson ran up and jumped into his arms. Jack then flew him around and put his son on his shoulders for a little bit. Lilly squirmed and woke up and just looked at the boy's before putting her head back on me.

"Mama. I'm tired", she played with a loose strand of my hair.

"I know sweetheart", I tried to make her more comfortable. She then put her head on my shoulder peeking over.

"Mummy there's a car following us", she said to me. I then took a quick look to see who it was. Cal, my mother and Lovejoy. Just stay calm Rose. Just act casually. I then continued to walk getting more and more anxious.

"Lilly", I said to her wanting to know more.

"They're getting closer Mummy", she told me. I then started to pick up the pace to the boys.

"Jack", I tried to get his attention while he played with Jackson. "Jack", he stopped and put Jackson on the ground taking his hand.

"What?", I then gave him the eye look to look back behind us. He got the message. And looked back. He then just looked at me and I put Lilly down. We all linked hands and started to pick up our pace. We then both looked back and they turned their headlights on, "RUN!"

Jack let go and immediately took off with Jackson leaving me running with Lilly.

"Mummy!" Lilly called to me as she began to slow down. Jack then looked back and scooped her up in his arms while I continued to run along side Jackson. We then led the way to a dead end. Jack and Lilly then caught up to us putting the breaks on. I automatically look at him.

"Jack what are we going to do? Jack?", he then rushed to the corner to see and hole in the wooden fence.

"Lilly, Jackson. I want you to listen to me very carefully ok? When me and mummy tell you, you run. You don't look back at us and come and help. Alright? You run straight to Mary and Joseph together ok?"

"But what about you guys and the baby?", Lillian asked. It was my turn to step in.

"We are going  to be fine ok? You don't need to worry about us. When me and daddy tell you to go through the hole. You go through that hole. And you just keep running. You keep running to Mary and Joseph house together. Alright? Everything will be fine. I promise", we then had a family hug that was broken apart by the roaring sound of three cars and the lights shinning on us.

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