Chapter 6

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*the next morning*

Roses Pov

"Morning Rose", Laura walked in anew. I then stumbled my way out of bed and rubbed my eyes, "Cal and your mother want you dressed and downstairs in 5 minutes. So we better get a move on and not keep them waiting. I nodded and then got changed into a peachy silk dress. You can not see an official bump yet by the way it falls. But when you hands flatten the material you can feel it forming. I then made my way down out of my room.

Jacks Pov

Prison food was the worst. But at least you got fed. Some of these people would of just been stealing on purpose to get food. Because they had none. No money no job. Just the environment and people around them to take what is there's. I've seen it all done before.

I was reluctant that I had a note pad and pencil in my pocket to draw. It kept my mind off where I truly was. I drew many different of people. That's the best thing about prison you see. They differently aren't all the same. I then rummaged around in my pocket again and found my pride, joy and love. It is a picture of the twins when they were born, and another one when Rose held both of them in her arms and I was hanging off the edge of the bed. It was our family photo. It brought tears to my eyes. I then got up and placed the images on my prison cell wall and reflected on our memories together.

Roses Pov

"Morning sweet pea", Cal greeted me the same way he always has done escorting me to my chair. My mother then seated across from me while Cal sits as head of the table. They started both to fold their napkins, mother stared at me with her eyes wanting me to show respect and my manners. I then reluctantly agreed knowing that I would be forced to do something that I never wanted too again and hate. The food then came out.

Bacon and eggs mmmmmmmm
This time I'm trying to keep my cravings under control.

"I hope you are enjoying your breakfast Rose", Cal said to me as I was eating trying to spoil my food and meal. "I hope you don't throw up because we have pancakes coming soon", he tried to make a joke. I then put my cutlery down.

"If this is a way of winning me back then may I just remind you that I'm married. To Jack. And you can't put a single ring on my finger or can touch me", the table was dead silent with death glares coming from everyone in the room. "And plus it's not pancake Thursday so I can't have any", I got up and took my plate into the kitchen and started to wash up. As I finish rinsing my plate Cal leaned of the door frame looking at me.

"I can never see you as a housewife Rose", he commented on me cleaning up after myself.

"Well 4 years has changed me Cal. I'm not the same 17 year old girl who was forced to marry you", I dried the dishes trying not to look behind me. At the image of the devil.

"You want to know where Jack is don't you?", he says with his evil snarl, "I'll happen to let you know that I can wipe his name clear of his money and inheritance and sent him off to war. How would you like that? You, receiving a letter from your dear beloved Jack, telling you that he is dead", I then threw the rag down angrily and got closer to him, "and you know what the best part is Rose. You will be under my protection. And so will all of your money", I then brought my hand to hit him hard across that asshole face of his. He then blocked it, "perhaps I might have to make those arrangements sooner rather then later. Besides, you said so yourself that you and Jack have more money then me combined", his face then pierced with his evil grin, "think about it Rose. We could be the richest people in the city. More richer then Mary and Joseph..." , I then immediately stormed up to my bedroom having enough of his big old mouth. Speaking about what he wants, and whenever he wants to get it.

What is he saying? He can't take me and Jacks money he has no right. He can't make Jack a nobody and send him off to the war to die. WHAT IS HE THINKING?!! What will happen to Lilly and Jackson? What will happen to them? He surely can't rip my own kids away from me without having a parental right. Oh wait HE DOSNT! He can't keep me here. BE CANT! God knows what he's done to Jack already and where he is. He's probably got beaten. Broken. He's probably calling out to me right now for help. While I'm also locked up in a cage. At least I know Lilly and Jackson are safe. But what about me, the baby, and Jack? I need to get out of here. NOW

"Rose are you ok?", Laura knocked on my door before slowly opening it. While I'm too busy soaking up the bed with my tears.

"Laura. Laura", I cried out to her as she gave me a cuddle while I made sleeves wet.

"Oh it's ok Rose", she patted me on the back of my head.

"No. No. No it's not", I stood up for myself, "I've got to get out of here Laura. This place, these people are tearing me apart. And I don't know how much longer I can stay here", I cried more generated from my hormones. "I'm falling apart Laura. I'm going crazy!", I then flung a number of pillows on my bed across the room in my fits of anger. "Arrrrhhhhhhhh!", I banged on the wall with a thud before sliding down in tears looking at the havoc and destruction I caused. All I can do is weep. "I'm I'm I'm going crazy", I muttered.

"No you're not", Laura crouched down beside me like a squirrel at a tree, "you're a hormonal pregnant women who wants her family back desperately, and to make sure that they are all ok. That's all a wife does. Especially when you have children and you are carrying one of your own. So you're not crazy. You're doing what every other women on the planet does", I then can't help but hug her. Maybe I am overreacting just a bit. Maybe Cal won't hurt me. Maybe he will just lay back until I'm settled. But the baby. I would be already showing by then. How will he treat me? What will he do? All these terrible thoughts the came rushing back into my head about what is going to happen to my family.

"No. no! I've go to get away from this place Laura. I've got to run far away. Even to the forest there. Once I get in there it will be to thick so they won't be able to track me. Plus I know Cal, he wouldn't want to get his hands dirty", I then chuckled as I looked outside my window to the forest that would hide me from this place, "I have to go Laura. I have to go now. Tonight.", ....

*the same day*
*At Cals old mansion*

Isabelle's Pov

"I'm sorry but the man you're speaking of does not live here anymore", a waiter replied with a polite accent.

"Could you tell me where he resides then?", Joseph asked.


"Thank you", we then got back into the car.

"SUNNYSIDE! but that's all the way on the other side of the city!", Joseph complained as we were in Brooklyn.

"Well that's  one way of getting away from their big name they've created for themselves", I then took out a cigarette and lit it.

"But how are we going to do this. We know where Rose and the children are. But what about Jack? Huh? No one knows where he is. For all I know Cal could of killed him by now along with Rose for their treachery"

"HEY!", I shouted at him after what he said, "Jack and Rose are the most strongest, spirited, free people I've ever met in my entire life. And they have done this all before. MORE THAN ONCE ACTUALLY! And now they have children who are old enough to start understanding what's going on. And how they met and stuff like that. Have you ever thought how hard it would be not just for Jack and Rose to be separated? Imagine Lilly and Jackson and what they're going through. Seeing their parents get torn from each other in their own eyes for not knowing why or who this man is. And what he wants with them. And I know that you have a lot on your plate right now, with your newborn son Alex, and Mary juggling both you, them, and work. You have a lot going on now Joseph. You're both like Jack and Rose. Both have jobs you work closely together, both have two beautiful kids, lovely people you amerce yourself in everyday as apart of your living. Joe listen. I know you have two sons and Cal has none, so you want to rub that all in his face.  But you can't right now. You can't do you and Mary's revenge mission. Not yet. Cause if you do, somebody is going to get seriously hurt. Whether it's Jack or Rose, you or  Mary. Or even possibly any of the children. The children Joe. They see many things even thou they can't explain them yet properly", I stated my argument.

"So what your saying is. We can't do anything at the moment. Cause if we make a move someone is going to get hurt?", he then laid back in the seat, "my god"...

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