Chapter 8

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Laura's Pov

It's been two days since Rose was brought back from the forest and she has not stopped crying.

"Rose this isn't good for you or for the baby", she lent on my shoulder for support.

"I want Jack", she moped, "I want Lilly and Jackson too!", she said for the 1000th time to me.

"Listen, I've received a phone calls from your manager and Mrs Molly Brown. I think getting out of this place will serve you good. Maybe even possibly trying to squeeze one more production in before you take a break from the baby", then her tears stopped flowing from her red eyes that bear so much pain. "Would you like that Rose? Get out and see Molly and your manager?", she nodded before a small smile that I haven't seen in days appeared on her face. I then helped her get ready to go down stairs for breakfast.

"No Laura I can't don't this!", she struggled against me out of breath.

"Yes you can. You don't have to say or do anything! After breakfast is finished go and ring Molly and your manager. I placed their phone numbers in the drawers hidden amongst the letters. Their is also a pen and some paper for you to write information down", she just nodded and wiped away her tears, "Rose you're going to be fine. You've gone through this all before"

"But when will it stop Laura? When will he give up? When will he know that I'm with Jack raising a family? When will all of this end?", she then got up and put her final finishing touches on her makeup and went downstairs.

Roses pov

Breakfast was a disaster not a single word was said only eyes looking all over the room not settling on anything other than me from time to time. Thank god it is all over. Mother and Cal finished going elsewhere as I went straight to the phone. I immediately attacked the draw to find the note. I then picked up the phone in a hurry and called my manager.

"Hello John Gary speaking. Who might this be?"

"John it's me Rose"

"Oh! Rose my dear! I've been trying to reach you since the premiere. Apparently you left early that night, and I haven't managed to get a hold you since. So how have you been love?"

"I've been fine", I lied. Looking over my shoulder to see if anyone was listening or watching.

"Listen Rose I just want to ring up and apologise about Lilly and Jackson not being able to stay and have dinner. I understand what it means to have family to support you. And I want to make it up to you. I have a script here for a part that you will beyond doubtfully succeed in. You are perfect for the part my dear. She is a strong exceptional women that I know you will show those qualities well. So I want you to come down to my office tomorrow to do a read through of the script"

"Mmmhhmmm. Yes I can come down tomorrow", I took a quick look before grabbing paper and pen.


"Yeah sure", I scrambled around going through all the drawers, "it's no problem", I grabbed paper out and laid it flat with an ink pen in my hand, "It gets me out of the house", I joked testing the pen in the corner of the page. It's now or never Rose. Tell him you need his help to escape. He may be the only person to help you right now. I then moved closer into the phone, "listen John", I hushed into the phone so no one could hear me and he can understand how serious and desperate I am,"I need help", I talked directly into the phone.

"With what my dear?", he asked as I remained silent chocking back my tears, "What is it?", he began to panic, "Rose what's going on?", I tried to hold myself together biting my lip to make my tears not fall.

"I'm trapped John", I let go of everything, "I need help", I tried not to sob or cry loudly, "Can you please-", my lips wobbled with no sound, "-ring Mary and Joseph Calvert up and ask them, ask them to bring the twins along for me. It would just mean so much to see them right now", I tried not to burst out in tears.

"Rose tell me what's wrong?"

"Don't worry about it", maybe telling him was a mistake, "Just, can you do that for me? Sneak them into our little meeting", I said squeakily with a little hope.

"Alright Rose, I'll do it", he sucked up to me, "I'm only doing it for you though! You just better turn up",

"I will. I promise", I then hung up the phone and wrote down the last of what he said. I then proceeded to dial Mollys number.

"Hello Brown residents", their butler said as I could hear strange sounds in the background. Then it came clear and I can hear Molly faintly in the background saying, "give it to me sonny"

"Hello? Hello?!", I talked into the phone as their was disturbances and some loss of communication.

"Rose is that you darlin?", I smiled as my heart rejoiced from the sound of her voice, "oh! Darling it's good to hear from you again. I just wanted to congratulate you on the film. It was spectacular darling, you should be very proud of yourself. I know Jack and the kids would be", I then wiped my nose and eyes trying to stop the flow. Damn these pregnancy hormones. "Rose? Rose? Rose darling are you ok? Are you alright sweet pea?", I tried to clean myself up.

"Molly I need help", I started to cry, "I'm trapped Molly. Molly help me"

"Alright alright Rose. Just calm down sugar. Just breathe", I then took deep breaths in and out, "Breathe", she slowed my heart rate down, "now speak calmly Rose, nice and gently. Where are you?"

"I..I don't know. Cals got me trapped here. He took me when I was walking home from the premiere. I don't.. I don't know what to do Molly. I I I-"

" shhhhhhh Rose calm down. Calm down honey", I then took deep breaths again.

"My agent just called me. He has a script for me to read that he wants me to read. I was wondering if you could pick me up tomorrow and take me there. We can catch up and do some shopping while we're in the city too", Molly then was silent on the other line thinking about it. Please Mol please. My brain ticked over.

"I'll do it honey", I then exhaled as a sigh of relief, " What time are you planning on meeting him?"

"Any time really", I replied. As long as I can be free out from Cal and mother. Until Cal notices and rants at me. He dosn't seem to get that I'm not a child anymore.

"Ok I'll be there at 10:30 am sharp. Then we can do your thing, then lunch and shopping all before I drop you back off for tea", I smiled at her plan.

"That sounds wonderful Molly. Thank you. See you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow Rose darlin", we then both hanged up the phone. I then scribbled down the remaining details and went up to my room clutching the piece of paper tight to my chest. Knowing that Cal and mother can't take this away from me. Tomorrow is was going to be a great big day.

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