Chapter 19

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Jacks Pov

"I'm going to be pressing charges", I told Rose, "he can't do this to us again Rose. I don't want anyone getting seriously hurt. You, me, our children and our baby", I foreshadowed Roses 6 month baby bump. Before I casually leaned in and kissed her, "I want you as my witness Rose. You just need to tell everyone about Cal and what he did and put us through. I've even got Mary and Joe ready to give a statement on Cals metal health after Mary broke off their engagement. As well as what he did to them as well. Now I know that that will do some serious damage. But Rose", I kneeled down to her height where she was sitting, "he's not going to get away with it. Not this time", I then kissed her again wondered into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"I'm in", I heard Rose say, "you're right Jack. And I don't want this happening again. Especially if something fatal happens to any of us. I can't live with myself Jack knowing that the danger is there", she hugged me starting to cry. Stupid hormones. "He's a threat to us Jack. He might even come after the children next", she cried into me, " I can't live with myself knowing he's out there formulating a plan to get me back. It's to much. And for the twins as well", she cried into my chest as I scrunched her hair.

"Then we know what we have to do", I told her, "Rose no matter what happens in there, no matter what is said. I love you. I'll always love you", I then deeply kissed her wanting to make her feel better.

"MOMMY! DADDY!", Lilly and Jackson barged in on us from there bedroom, "can we get some ice cream? Please? Please?!", they begged to us on the ground wrapping their arms around our legs. Me and Rose just laughed at their adorable little faces.

"Mummy why are you crying?", Lillian asked as Rose wiped away her tears.

"It's nothing dear. Mummy and Daddy made a big choice on the man that took mummy that's all", she put back one of Lilly's red curl behind her ear.

"Will he go to jail?", Jackson asked still gripping onto my legs looking up at me.

"Maybe Jacks. Maybe", I stroked his blonde curly hair as he looked up at me and smiled widely.

"Then can we go and celebrate with ice cream then?", Lilly continued on with her case.

"Yeah. And it will make mummy feel better. Plus the baby. The baby needs to try it!", Jackson said excitingly holding my hand jumping up and down. I just looked and smiled at him then looked to Rose.

"Yeah mummy please", Lilly begged to her, "I promise the baby will like it! I'll choose the best flavours for you and for it", she started to shake Roses hand, "come on mummy please?", she then just looked at me smiling happily.

"Alright alright we'll go", she announced. The twins jumped for joy immediately hugging the each of us. They then took each of our hands and lead us out the door.

Roses Pov

"Mmmmmmm this is a great flavour Lilly. Me and the baby like it a lot", I continued to eat it. She just smiled and dove straight down to my ever so bulging stomach.

"I can hear it's tummy rumbling", she giggled, "OW!" , she yelled and immediately came up, "the baby punched me", she complained. Then Jack and Jackson came round. Jackson and Lillian then put their hands on where the baby was kicking.

"That's your little brother or sister in there", Jack said. He then put his head to my belly and listened. They all started to giggle when it started to kick more.

"I told you it'll like ice cream", Jackson joked. We all just laughed at him.

"Well I think you're right about that", I laid back as they all continued to listen and feel.

"Mummy why did it stop?", Lilly poked her head off like her brother and father.

"I guess the baby got tired and went to sleep", I told them.

"Then it needs more ice cream", Jackson held out his broken cone with vanilla ice cream dripping down the sides and into his hands.

"No no. Me and the baby had our sugar high. I think it's time for our mid afternoon nap", I joked with them.

"No. No mummy. We want you to play", they tried to sweet talk me by holding my hand swinging it. Acting all cute and innocent.

"No no. Ask your father. Mummy is tired and needs a rest from all your games"

"Oh no Rose you're not dragging me into this one", I winked at him, he just rolled his eyes and continued to walk all the way home.

"Please mummy please", they begged me as I slowly waddled into their room.

"No. No means no. Now you can go and play out in the living room while I have a nice lonnngggg nap" I fell back onto their bed. I then clapped my eyes and waited for them to walk out. Peace and quiet at last.

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