Chapter 17

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Roses pov

I got up early and got dressed quickly. I am free! Free to see my family and do my job that I love! Free from this prison cell. And hopefully I NEVER get to come back here again!

"Rose I'm coming with you", Cal said getting up from that table.

"Your what?",was my response midway out the door.

"I'm coming with you to set", he put on a smile. I then put my fake smile on trying to hide my ever growing frustration and anger against him. I then loaded my bags up and stood there waiting for him. He then charmingly came down the stairs and entered the car. I then unfortunately got in with him


"Ahhhhh Mrs Rose Dawson", my director greeted me.

"Gavin", I hugged him, "good to see you", I smiled.

"You look wonderful my dear", he kissed both sides of my face, "How's the little one coming along", he felt my stomach.

"Very well"

"Boy or girl?", he asked wondering.

"I don't actually mind. Me and Jack have one of each. So either or is fine", I smiled at him.

"Well that's true", he laughed, "so how far along are you?"

"8 weeks", he just looked at me. Like Cal behind me.

"8..8 weeks?", I just nodded as he looked around shocked.

"Well we better get this show on the road then shall we!", he said out loud excitedly. He then continued to walk and Cal followed wanting to learn more. I then started walking to the back of the set so no one would see me. I then waited excitingly in the ally way  for the car where the Jackson and Lillian would arrive in.

"MOMMY! MOMMY!", they jumped out of the car and ran to me with their arms spread apart. I ran to them and immediately started to kiss and hug them.

"Oh how I've missed you", I continued to hug and kiss them, " I loved you both so so much" I kissed them, "don't you ever forgot that ok?", I stroked their faces.

"Yes mummy", they smiled wiping tears from their eyes.

"Oh you two", I hugged them again, "how about we go to my trailer huh? I know how much you love that", I took both their hands.

"Yeah! yeah!", we then skipped back and they got to explore what it had to offer while I got my makeup down for my first scene.

"Mummy what's the role about?", Lilly asked me as I put my finishing touches on my makeup. While her and her brother sat on seats behind me where I could still see them in the mirror.

"Well it's..-", then there was knock and voice at the door.

"Hello is anyone in there?", they put on and old American accent.

"Get down and hide", I told the twins as they couldn't been seen. They got down and scrambled into corner. I then moved a few small stools and boxes to hide them so they won't be seen. I then opened the door only to have Cal barge in.

"Cal what are you..-", I then turned round and he then fastly turned around and kissed me, "EW! Get off me!", I shoved him off me having a mini panic attack.

"Oh come on Rose", he took a step towards me.

"Don't you dare! Come any closer to me!", I told him sternly with my hand up so he wouldn't do anything else to me. Maybe even hurt the baby.

"Come on sweet pea", he then touched my arms. I then screamed at the top of my lungs hoping for someone to hear me from outside.

He blocked his ears and then my mouth cutting my oxygen and scream for help. I then bit him. "You stupid bitch!", he looked at his hand that had my bite mark and is beginning to bleed. He then went off and started to grab anything he could breaking it and threatening me with it.

He then raised a glass lamp over my head about to crack it like a champagne bottle at a christening. This is it. I braced myself for impact with glass reaching my skull and piercing my brain. And to think that the twins will see will break and scare them for the rest of their life.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!", the twins ran out to Cal. They each took a chunk out of his leg. Making him howl in pain dropping the lamp that he was going to kill me and the baby with.

"You stupid rats", he grabbed them by their hair and flung them off of him. I then used the time I had and ran out screaming for help. Everyone gathered round while the twins quickly ran out unharmed to me in tears traumatised by the whole situation. Cal then appeared from my trailer with his clothes ripped with blood coming from his mouth and hand from where I bit and punched him. Everyone gathered round and watched him slowly exit my trailer showing what a mongrel he is. The police then showed up and arrested him in front of everyone ruining his reputation forever.

"Mr Hockley you are under arrest", they tired him up in hand cuffs and lead him to the car.

"Officer", I called out to him dragging the twins along with me, "is my husband with you? Mr Hockley I know has put Jack in jail and is paying them for him to be held there I..-"

"All not to worry Mrs Dawson. He is fine. He is in New York State Prison. I can take you to him if you like", he offered.

"Oh yes please thank you ", I jumped for joy trying to contain my excitement as did the twins, "come on who wants to see daddy?"

"Me! I do! I do!", they chanted as we were then lead to the police car to be driven down town, "Wow cool!", the twins sat in the back seat with them observing his controls.

"Yeah I know right", the officer put his hand brake down. "Hey how urgent is it to get to Mr Dawson?", he smiled making the car ride more excitingly by putting the lights and siren on for show. We flew down the street with nothing in our way of seeing Jack Dawson again. Nothing on earth can come between us now.

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