Chapter 36

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* 1 and a half years later*

Roses Pov

The twins are already at school and it's just me, Jack, and Josephine at home. She is a lot bigger now. She has my big eyes with Jacks colour. She has my colour skin and hair. But her hair is straight like Jacks. So it's different to the twins and mine. She's awfully quiet and playful.  And I always enjoy tickling her to make her smile. We also do funny faces and do games with her.

Jack mostly stays at home and draws everything that pops into his head, or that his hand naturally draws. I mostly clean the house while he's working. But now. Now that's going to be different.

"Hey. What ya doing? I just put Josephine down for her nap. So it's just us two", my fingers trailed down  him. He just laughed and squirmed. I then bent down close to his ear and whispered, "I want you to draw me like one of your French girls", I then cheekily smiled and walked into the bathroom. He just smirked at me. And flipped his page over. He then got the stage ready for me.

Jacks Pov

"Don't worry she won't wake us", she checked on Josephine on the way over to me. She then stripped off her dressing gown. Slap bam gorgeous.

Her curves were still there untouched from childbirth and corsets.  Her breasts had changed quite bit. But I don't mind. They feed our children. But if that is the only change then so be it. She is still as beautiful, and radiant, the day I met her. And when I first drew her naked. As well as the back of the car.

"Go on. Lie down", I directed her to the couch. She then got into the position like she did over five years ago.

"Your face is heating up Mr Dawson. Perhaps you'll like to strip off. You're getting awfully red", she just smirked at me.

"Alright", I then stood up and took my shirt and pants off, "is this how you want it?", she shook her head cheekily like a child.

"Don't you get hot and sweaty under those boxes of yours?", she has the biggest grin on her face trying to keep it straight.

"Fine then. You asked for it", I then pulled down my boxes to reveal my penis, "Is this what you wanted?", she didn't say anything so I sat back down and continued on from where I left off.


"Thank you", she replied kissing me. Then I heard a knock on the door.

I immediately hurried to get a blanket to cover ourselves while Rose picked up Josephine. I then threw the blanket over in time covering Roses back before Molly Brown walked in. "Yeah whooooo", she walked in. I brought myself closer to Rose as I pulled the blanket more in. Josephine is right next to me touching my chest and making baby noises, "I just have to tell you I'm going out of town for a little while, and I wanted to bring the kids some pressies I have for them. So I'll leave them on the bench here", a car horn then sounded, "well that's me. I better be off. I'll contact you both soon", she then smiled, waved and left. I then dropped the blanket as I heard her down stairs in he shop.

"Phew that was a close one", Rose then handed Josephine  to me and went to look through the presents, "hey I don't think those are for you Rose", she unwrapped them.

"See this is what I'm talking about", she showed me Jacksons present.

"Good, now you've seen it. Put it back", I cleared the wrapping paper up, "re-wrap that", I told her as I went into the fridge to get Josephine her bottle.

"Here, give her to me", she took Josephine and the bottle off me. She then nursed her in her arms walking around the kitchen.

"Well Josie got new clothes that Lilly will be jealous of", I held up a little lavender princess dress, "someone might have a taste like their mum and sister", I then moved onto the next gift bag, "Rose you got some new perfume. That brand you always wear. Looks like Molly got the new one that's not even out yet",, I grabbed it out of the bag,

"Let me see", she came up beside me looking at it. She shrugged and kept feeding Josephine her bottle.

"And-", I laughed.

"What? What is it?", Rose asked me. She then came round saw the artwork for herself, "oh my god", she says while I laughed at the drawing of us two. It is so abstract with us having big heads and big lips. The best part was Rose holding up her rude finger exactly like she did to Lovejoy on Titanic. 

"This is the best accurate drawing of you Rose. Better then mine", she then hit my arms and walked away. She put Josie's empty bottle in the sink and put her back down in her crib. She then grabbed her dressing gown and put it on.

"Oh and some pants on why don't ya?", I continued to laugh.  She then went into the bathroom and fixed herself up.

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