Chapter 31

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Jacks Pov

"Daddy I don't want to go to court! I want to stay with mummy!", Lilly protested. Rose just laid there in the bed enjoying this.

"Alright alright fine then", I gave in, "Jacks you're coming with me, Lilly you're staying home and doing everything your mother tells you to do. And make sure she doesn't get out of bed. It's only been three days (it's Wednesday. Josephine was born on Monday) and I don't want any problems. And if you do just call the court house or aunt Molly and Joseph. You remember their numbers right?", she nodded, "Ok", I kissed her, "Dr Cooper will also be coming round for his routine checks", I kissed Rose. Then kissed Josie in her arms, "COME ON JACKSON LETS GO!", I banged on his door to get him out.

"NO!", I heard him through the door.

"If you come with me we'll draw stuff on the street. You can bring your portfolio and I'll help you. We can do wherever you want", he then opened the door and marched out. He is cosplaying me with my white shirt, brown pants, and my art book. The girls just both laughed. "Hey don't laugh at least he has clothes on!", I took his hand as we left the girls to their own business. We went to the park out side the court house to play and draw with some time to spare.

"Is that is daddy?", Jackson showed me his drawing.

"Yeah. I think you nailed that tree buddy", I looked across from us to see a massive Willow tree.

"Can I draw something else now?", he asked with his pencil ready in hand to immediately put it on paper.

"No I don't think we've got anymore time now Jackson", his face then looked down and away from mine, "but we can come here after court. We have the whole day to draw", he looked back smiling. I then started to tickle him, "tickle tickle", I made him get off the seat, "tickle tickle", he started to run away from me. But stopped at the road like a good boy taking my hand. We then both ran with him growling at me like a lion.

"Rggghhhh", he said showing me his teeth.

"Rggghhh", I did the same thing back opening the doors.

"Rggghhhhhh", his fingers were curved to be like claws.

"Rggghhhhh", I shook my head with fingers like claws and my spit going everywhere. Jackson just laughed at me, "tickle monster", I said as I went back to tickle attacking him. He ran to our seats as fast as he could and stood up on them looking at me. As I entered the row he started to run, "oh no you don't", I began to chase after him as he reached the end and stood up on the end of the seat.

"Catch me daddy catch me", he jumped excitedly waiting for me to get there.

"Alright Jacks. One jump", I told him as he was holding his little hands nodding the amount of times he jumped. He then did suddenly and I caught him just as his feet were about to hit the ground.

"Wow!",I brought him up to me, "that was a big jump", I said as he was looking at the ground to how far up he was with me.

"Yeah!", he was so happy looking at me. I then let him slide down me with the possibility that he would jump again. Instead he hugged my legs running the opposite direction.

"Jackson!", I called out to him, "Jackson sit down", I told him as he stood there.

"Can we still play?", he asked so adorably.

"No Jackson", I sat down on the bench with him in front of me, "but we can draw", I gave him a glimmer of hope for him to survive this boring ordeal. He then happily sat next to me, "now what are you going to draw?", I asked him knowing that he must have a clear vision to what was to be put on paper.

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