Finding Friends

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**** Harry's pov ****

Ron picked up his wand , cleared his throat and  was about to say something but a girl came into the door way , looking around.

"Has anyone seen a toad ?" She asked
"A boy named Neville ,lost one".

"Nope, sorry" Mia said.

The girl then notices the wand in Ron's hand.

"Oh, are you doing magic? let's see then "she said.

Ron clears his throat ," sunshine daisies butter Mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow" Ron then points his wand at scabbers and the box which his head was in comes off . Ron looks at both of us but we just shrugged in response.

"Are you sure that's a real spell ?? Well, it's not very good, is it? I've only tried a few simple one myself ... but they all worked for me."

  She pulls out her wand from inside her robes then take​ a seat across from Mia while pointing her wand at my glasses, my eyes were crossed as I  watch what she was doing.

"For example : Oculus reparo" my glasses were repaired immediately.

I took off my glasses looking them over, " that's better isn't it??" She asked. I shared a look with Ron unable to say anything, clearly amazed by her.

"That's awesome" Mia said, the girl turns towards​ Mia her eyes widening.

"Holy cricket, your Mia Smith and your Harry Potter!!" She says turning to Mia and me who by now has my glasses on back again.

"I'm Hermione Granger and you are...?" Hermione asked Ron with a confused expression.

"I'm Ron Weasley"he replied.

"Pleasure, you three better change into robes .I expect we'll be arriving soon"

she get up and leaves before coming back again, "Amazing pleasure to meet you, Harry and Mia . Also you got dirt on your nose. Did you know? Just there" she points her side of her nose , talking to Ron.

She then turns and leaves as Ron takes off the dirt.

The train finally stopped and Mia heard hagrid yell "right, then. First years, this way please! Come on, first years, don't be shy. Come on now hurry up"

Mia, Ron and me got out of the train then walk up towards Hagrid.

"Hello Harry, Mia "Hagrid  greeted us.

"Hi, Hagrid " both of us greeted back.

"Right then. This way to the boats. C'mon now, follow me" all of the first years started to follow Hagrid.

"Wow!!!" Mia and I gasp at the sight of the castle. The boats was getting closer and closer by the second and both of us couldn't wait to get inside.

We all started walking up the flight of stairs but stopped when we saw a woman standing there at the top.

"Welcome to Hogwart. Shortly you'll pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin . While you're here , your house will be like your family.Your triumph will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year ,the house with the most points will win the house cup " professor Mc' Gonagall said .

"Trevor"a kid went up and grabbed his frog that was standing in front of her. He ran after saying sorry to professor.

"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily" she said before walks away.

After proffoser Mc'Gonagall walked away from us. I heard a voice so I turned back to see a boy with blonde hair apporach us,

"So it's true then,what they're saying on the train? Harry Potter and Mia Smith has come to Hogwarts" everyone started murmuring.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle" he introduced his friends.

And he turned towards Mia and with a smirk introduced himself as "Draco Malfoy".

Ron snickered beside me and Draco snaps his head towards him, "think my name's funny ,do you? I've no need to ask yours. Red hair and hand-me-down robe? you must be a Weasley" Draco said looking Ron up and down.

He turns towards me and said "you will find out some wizarding families are better than others ,you don't have to go making friends with the wrong sort" he said

" But I can help you" Draco finished holding out his hand for me but not before sending Mia another flirty smile.
Honestly, this guy is getting on my nerves and it's oblivious to him that he is making Mia uncomfortable more and more by every passing seconds , he is rude and now offering me friendship .

So I takes one look at Draco's outstretched hand before saying ," I think I can tell the wrong sort myself, thanks".

Then he turned towards Mia so I Intertwined my hand with her's to make him understand my reply is for both of us.

Draco glared at me and at our hands he tried to say something just then proffoser Mc' Gonagall hit him with a scroll and he walked away.

Mia mouthed a thank you to me and smiled at me which I returned back and entered the great hall ready for sorting still holding hands .

A/n : wow chapter 9 is out , so Harry can sense Mia's discomfort next chapter will be about sorting . Do vote and comments if you guys like it ,your comments will mean a lot to me.

and thank you lovelies ❄❄❄

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