First Time Flying

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*** Third person pov ***

Everyone has gathered for their first flying session all of them are excited .

"I am excited.... so when have to make angular motion and we have to hold our arm at this position to get a strong hold of the broom and then ... ,Mia even you can use this tips " Hermione said.

"Hermione I am sorry to say but I don't think that books can help you with flying, sorry " Mia replied in a soft tone.

"No Mia books can help you with anything" Hermione said.

Just then Madam Hooch entered and "Good morning, class"she greeted.

"Good morning Madam Hooch" everyone replied.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson. what are you waiting for? Step up to your broomstick " Madam Hooch asked

Everyone is waiting for further instructions,

"Come on now, hurry up. Stick your hand over your broom and say "Up".

Mia held her right hand over her broom and said "Up" the broom immediately went into her hand just like Harry's.

Hermione looked at both of them in disbelief and asked how did they do it easily.

"Up.Up!!" Ron said.

"With feeling" Madam Hooch explained.

"Up" Hermione said firmly but her broom was rolling on the ground.

"Up!" Ron said again,it did went up ,but not in his hand but in his face.

Mia and harry laughed in amusement
"Shut up , you guys" Ron said.

"Now, once you've got the hold of your broom, I want you to mount it" Madam Hooch said while walking down the little aisle that the broom were out in.

Everyone mounted their broom,"Grip it tight. You don't wanna be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle,I want you to kick off from the ground,hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle. Three, two..." Madam Hooch whistled and Neville was in the air.

"Mr. Longbottom" Madam Hooch said but Neville was now flying in the air.

"Neville!" The students yelled at him.
Mia grabbed Harry's hand as she watch Neville's​ broom went out of control , her grip tighten around his arm when she saw Neville's hanging by his robe on a spear that a statue was holding.

"Ahh!!" Neville yelled trying not to fall and landed on the ground, everyone gasped as Madam Hooch took Neville to hospital wing and asked everyone to stay in the ground or else they will be expelled.

Mia realised that she is still holding Harry's arm so she realeased him from her tight grip she was going to say something just then she heard the familiar voice.

"Did you see his face? If he had squeezed this, he'd have remembered to fall on his arse" Draco said holding Neville's rememberall.

" Give it here, Malfoy" Harry said stepping up.

"No, I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find" Draco gets on his broom and flies into the air until he stopped

"What's the matter Potter ? Bit beyond your reach?" Malfoy asked Harry.

Harry mounted on his broom and about to fly off when 

"Harry, no way! You heard what Madam Hooch said . Besides, you don't even know how to fly" Hermione said.
Harry ignored her and flew into the air.

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