My Magical boy

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*** Mia's pov ***

Words have a unique way of influencing us, it's either they make your day or just break you into pieces. Sometimes we really had to make our own choices on which way we wanna see things.

Last night when I talked with Harry about all the emotions weighing me down,  after a long time I felt at ease, the lingering words of pansy's snide remarks just floated around me, even though I paid no heed to her comments the questions I had in my mind never left me in peace.

I was just a little lost searching for answers , after a lot of years trying to fit in-- after all the wasted efforts I just needed a few words , a word that cleared my past, to get a clarification of everything, but after last night's conversation I thought I made peace with it.

After hours of crying, self doubting myself, after having to think about some of questions that arose at the silent lonely nights, after wallowing in the dark thoughts of my very existence being a mistake, a unwanted arrival-- years of trying to fit in does that to your brain, atlast I decided to just let go and close that chapter forever and just think about the future but what I didn't expect is the answers to my questions , the most unexpected way of finding my past, the most important question I always wondered about, now has its answers out in open.

The withered yellow colour of the paper just showed the days it has gone through, growing just as old as me, aging one day at the time. The words spwarled on the letter faded slightly at the usage like it's been though a lot of reading and the small smiling face at the end of the letter shined down at me clearing my doubts .

I was never a unwanted addition.

I ran my fingers over the words once again soaking up the affection that swelled with each syllable, the affection I thought I lost but found in the most unexpected way.

Smiling down at the letter I read it for the umpteenth time but felt the same giddyness I felt reading it for the first time.

"Dear peanut,

Do you know that's what your nanna told me yesterday , she told me you will look like a size of a peanut by this week. And you should know your nanna is already knitting you a lot of thing and it's been just two weeks we told her about you.

Momma had a long day yesterday  that's why I can't write to you yesterday but mama will make it up to you.

You are being a good baby today, didn't make Momma feel even a bit of morning sickness. And I know my sweet baby is gonna have sweet tooth too as it's pretty self explanatory why, but please don't make Momma have sweet cravings at ungodly hours, at this rate I will finish up the whole sweet shops around here.

You grand pa has already stocked up the whole house with sweets for his little cherub and I have to practically restraint him from buying everything at the baby store, you are gonna be spoiled rotten.

And wanna know a secret? we are gonna surprise your godparents, we are going to ask them to be your godparents at today's lunch.

And there you go again you made Momma crave a hot craudlon cakes, I thought you are gonna be a good baby today and now you are making mommy pout. Merlin! I think you dad is here I got you go, you know why.

Loving Momma.

P.S. Mommy loves you peanut but you should stop the sweet craving soon.

" Still reading the letter" Harry's  voice broke me down from my thoughts as I looked up at him with the same grin that adorned my face from the moment I woke up.

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