Tom Riddle?

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Sorry for the late update guys, I totally forgot to update 😅 please re-read the last chapter to know the continuity and sorry for the inconveniences 😇

*** Mia's pov ***

"So how is mione?" Harry asked me as we climbed up the stairs.

"She is fine, her face is completed transformed to normal" I said making the boys to nod at me.

Mione getting admitted in the hospital wing has spread to the whole school, many assumptions were made about her sudden visit to the hospital wing, many thought that she was pertified.

Madam Pompey took care of her and made sure no one saw her fury face.

"Don't you think mione should take a bit rest? Merlin! she reads a lot even when she is in hospital. If it was me then I would have taken rest till my heart desires" Ron said making me to smile at him while entering the hospital wing.

"Well it's mione we are talking about" I said while pulling mione in for a soft hug.

All the hair has gone from her face by now and her eyes were slowly turning brown again.

"So... any clue about the attack?" Mione asked while I just shrugged.

"Nothing" Harry said gloomily.

"I bet there is something fishy about this heir" Ron said but stopped on seeing something.

"What's that?!" Ron asked pointing to something gold sticking out under Mione's pillow.

"Oh! Nothing... Um..just a get well soon card" mione said but Ron quickly grabbed it and start to read it aloud.

Well Ron would have never done this , if it isn't about mione's stuttering and her face blushing red like tomato.

"To Miss Granger, wishing you a speedy recovery, from your conceded teacher, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third class, Honorary Member of Merlin,Third class, Honorary Member of Dark Force Defence League and five times winner of Weekly's Most Charming smile Award"

Ron looked at Mione his face strunched up in disgust.

"You sleep with this under your pillow??" Ron asked bewildered.

"Honestly is Lockhart the smartest bloke you've ever met?" Ron asked making Harry to chuckle.

"Stop badmouthing about Professor Lockhart or else.." mione said her face turned red but was cut off by Ron again.

"Or else what mione??" Ron asked making mione to turn more red.

Well its not advisory to get on the nerves of a Fangirl.

"RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY!!!" She yelled making Ron to flinch slightly on hearing his full name.

"Mione.." I said making her to let out a deep breath trying to calm herself.

"What's the noise?" Madam Pompey asked while entering the ward making mione to go red again, but this time in embarrassment.

"Oh.. nothing the boys are just leaving" mione said making all three of us to look at her while Madam Pompey left the ward mumbling to herself about always getting four griffindors for being troublesome.

"You are making all of us leave just because of that professor" Ron scoffed.

"Yes and I said that the boys are leaving so Mia is going to stay here with me and please leave even before I change my descision of not clawing you myself" mione said in a calm tone with a sweet smile.

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