Sneaking out

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*** Third person pov ***

After their first detention all four of them left to the common room where Harry and Mia occupied a couch while Ron and Hermione sat across from them in another couch near the fireplace and recited everything that happened in the forbidden forest.

"You mean you-know-who is out there right now in the forest?" Hermione asked .

"But he is weak he is living off the unicorns don't you see? we had it wrong" Mia said.

"Snape doesn't want the stone for himself ,he want it for Voldemort, with the elixir of life he will be strong again ,he will come back" Harry finishes Mia's statement.

"But if he comes back you don't think he will try to kill both of you,do you?" Ron asked a bit worried making Harry's grip on Mia's hand Tighten protectively.

" If he did had a chance, he would have tried killing us tonight " Mia said sensing Harry's worry and luckily he did relax a bit but his face is etched with worry.

Mia shared a look with Hermione silently asking her help to ease the tension in the atmosphere.

"Harry ,Dumbledore is the only wizard who Voldemort always feared so as long as Dumbledore is around, Mia and you both will be safe . As long as Dumbledore is around you both can't be touched" she said to which Harry nodded softly.


"I did heard Hogwart's final exams were tough but I found that rather easy" Hermione said as four gryffindors walked out of the class.

But she stop her speech once she saw Mia rubbing her scar in her wrist.

"Are you alright ?" She asked Mia while Ron asked the same to Harry on seeing him clutching his forehead with his eyes tightly shut.

"My scar, it keeps burning" both of them said at the same time.

"It happened before? May be you both should visit hospital wing" Hermione said while Ron nods to both of them.

"I think it's warning, it means danger is coming" Harry said.

"Ofcourse" Mia said as she saw hagrid playing flute near his hut.

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"Isn't it odd that,  what hagrid wants more then anything is a dragon and a stranger just happens to have one?" Mia said looking at Harry while truth struck him.

"You are Right, why didn't I see this before?" Harry said as both Mia and Harry started to run towards hagrid.

Harry stopped in front of hagrid, " who gave you the egg? What did he look like?"

"I never saw his face. He kept his hood up." Hagrid replied

"You and the stranger must have talked" harry said.

"Yeah , he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after so I said after fluffy ,a dragon is not gonna be a problem" hagrid said with a chuckle.

" Was he interested in fluffy?" Mia asked fearing for the reply.

"Ofcourse he was interested how often do you come across a three headed dog?  but I told him, the trick with any beasts to know how to calm it , for example play music for fluffy and he falls straight to sleep" hagrid said making Harry and Mia share a worried look.

"I shouldn't have said that" hagrid said realising his answer.

The four griffindors took off running to the transfiguration classroom, where professor Mc'Gonagall was doing her work.

" We have to see headmaster Dumbledore immediately" both Mia and harry said while panting.

"I'm afraid he is not here, he received an urgent owl from the Ministry of magic and left " proffoser Mc'Gonagall replied.

" But this is important." Mia said desperately.

"This is about the sorcerer's stone" Harry said to the professor.

She looks up at them her eyes widening in shock "how did you know?" But Harry cut off her by saying,

" Someone is going to steal it" while Mia nodded to her.

"I don't know how you people know about Sorcerer's Stone but I assure you that it's well protected ,now would you all go back to your dormitories" professor Mc'Gonagall said in a stern voice.

All four of them came out silently , " that was not a stranger who give hagrid a dragon egg it's Snape which means now he knows how to get past fluffy" Harry said.

"And with Dumbledore gone...." Mia started before she was cut off.

"Good afternoon" said in a monotone behind them, all four of them turned to see professor Snape standing behind them.

"What would four young gryffindors be doing on a day like this?" He asks.

Hermione open her mouth to say something and snape look at her suspiciously "we are just..." She was cutoff by Snape again,

"You ought to be careful ,people will think you are up to...something" he finishes saying that by glaring at both Mia and harry then walks away.

"Now, what do we do?" Ron ask, Harry look at his friends and say  " we go down to the trap door tonight".

A/n: Another chapter is out and guys we are nearing the end of first year so I will be updating regularly for the last chapters of year 1 , do vote and comment if you like 😃

And thank you lovelies 💐💜💙💜

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